December 1, 2008



    The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in the regular monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2008, with all the board members present as follows:


                            Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                            James M. Spivey, Vice Chair

                            Frances H. Reaves

                            Tommy A. Blake

                            Ann S. Long

                            Almetta Armstrong

                            Shirley Threadgill


                Chairman Steve DeBerry called the meeting to order.


                Upon motion by Mr. Spivey, and a second by Mrs. Long, the board adopted the agenda with the addition to the agenda to accommodate the new ball field lights and transformer at WMHS.


    The opening devotional, “The Spirit of Christmas should be in the giving to others” and a reading of Philippians 2:5, was given by Chairman DeBerry.


    The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Distance Learning Student Ambassadors, Kaitlin Webb of WMHS, Maribel Reza, Myranda Blake, and Daniel Corrall of EMHS.


    Montgomery County Clerk of Superior Court, Mr. Wayne Wooten, swore in the re-elected Montgomery County Board members for four year terms respectively -   Steven W. DeBerry, Ann S. Long, and Shirley M. Threadgill.


    Chairman DeBerry relinquished chairmanship to Attorney Sonya Williamson, who was filling in for Board Attorney Max Garner, to conduct the election of officers for year ending December 2009. 


    Mrs. Williamson opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chairman.  Mr. Spivey nominated Steve DeBerry and Mrs. Threadgill seconded the nomination.  Mrs. Long was also nominated by Ms. Armstrong and seconded by Mrs. Long.  Mr. Blake moved that the nominations close with a second by Mrs. Reaves.  Steve DeBerry was  reelected Chairman of the Montgomery County Board of Education for the year ending December 2009 by a 5 to 2 margin, with Steve DeBerry, James Spivey, Shirley Threadgill, Tommy Blake, and Frances Reaves voting for Steve DeBerry; Ann Long and Almetta Armstrong voting for Ann Long.


                Attorney Sonya Williamson turned the meeting back to Chairman Steve DeBerry to preside over the election of Vice Chairman.  Mrs. Long nominated James Spivey and Mrs. Threadgill seconded the nomination.  Ms. Armstrong nominated Mrs. Long with a second by Mrs. Reaves.  Ms. Armstrong moved that the nominations close and Mrs. Threadgill seconded the motion.  James Spivey was reelected as Vice Chairman for the year ending December 2009 with a 4 to 3 margin, with Steve DeBerry, James Spivey, Shirley Threadgill, and Tommy Blake voting for James Spivey; Ann Long, Almetta Armstrong, and Frances Reaves voting for Ann Long.


    The board recognized the following:


    • Making a Difference Montgomery County Schools Employee Recognition
      • Star-Biscoe Elementary School
        • Delbra Mabe, First Grade Teacher
        • Shannon Robinson, Art Teacher
      • East Middle
        • Jillian Britt, 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher
        • Dale Simmerman, Food Nutrition Manager
    • Student Ambassadors for Distance Learning
      • Maribel Reza, Darrick Pratt, Myranda Blake, Erin Steed, Daniel Corrall - East Montgomery High School
      • Kaitlin Webb, Maddie Maynor, Phone Keosouma, Dequan Hill - West Montgomery High School


                Chairman DeBerry opened the public comment period and recognized Mr. Gary Callicutt who had asked to speak, and in turn Mr. Callicutt asked to let Mr. Bryan Dozier go first. 


                Mr. Dozier said he was concerned about problems with the football program at WMHS and was also unhappy that school board members did not respond to his telephone calls.  He was also concerned about the chain of command.   Mr. Dozier finished by saying, “All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.” 


                Mr. Dozier went over his 3 minute time limit, but the 2nd  person, Mr. Gary Callicutt, scheduled to speak gave his 3 minutes to Mr. Dozier to finish. 


                Chairman DeBerry responded that these types of decisions are made at the school level and he supports that.  While we may not agree with a decision, we entrust the principal to make the right decision. 


                The consent agenda was approved as follows by a motion by Mr. Spivey, with a second by Mr. Blake with unanimous approval by the board.


    • Board Minutes of the November 3, 2008 and special called meeting November 20,  2008
    • National School Boards Conference participation
    • Personnel, auxiliary reports, and early graduation request by Dr. Kevin Lancaster as follows:






    • Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher list:


       Noncertified                                Recommended By                   Record Check


                1)  Jennifer Braswell                           Beth Lancaster                       Yes

                2)  Maria Jaimes                                 Vance Thomas                       Yes

                3)  Wanda Lamonds                           Donna Kennedy                      Pending

                4)  Barbara Britt                                  Donnie Lynthacum                  Yes

                5)  Vanetta Marshall                            Derrick McCoy                        Pending

                6)  Jennifer Britt                                   Vance Thomas                       Yes

                7)  Frances Pratt                                 Wayne Talley                          Pending

                8)  Marcus Robinson                          Charles Delforge                     Pending


    • Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations:



                     Resignations                          Assignment                            Effective Date


                1)  Stephanie Cooper              Candor Elementary                    November 25, 2008

                     Resignation                        EC Teacher


                2)  Larry Kissell                       East Montgomery                       November 15, 2008                              Resignation                 History Teacher         


                Upon recommendation, approval of the following early graduation is requested.  Kathy Lee – West Montgomery High School


                Dr. Ginny Carpenter introduced Distance Learning coordinator, Beth Blake, along with advisors, Darlene Chappel and Robin Stone. They presented an overview of the merits of the Distance Learning program. Some of these merits include; convenience of in school hours, uses time wisely and responsibly, free college credit classes which saves money, flexible schedule, students grow as leaders from this experience.  This is not just for gifted students, but for all students.  There are 134 student presently in Distance Learning with 90% passing and 89% with C’s – A’s.  Students recognized as Distance Learning Student Ambassadors, and who have been part of a video sponsored by  the Governor, spoke to the Joint Education Oversight Committee, and facilitated MCS’s county-wide “Kitchen Table Conversation” meeting.


                Kathy Johnson reported that we are reverting North Carolina State funds as directed.  We will transfer from other funds in order not to cut any positions at this time.  There is a possibility of further cuts before the end of the fiscal year. 


                The following Policies and Regulations Codes were presented for first reading and will be on the agenda to be approved at the January 2009 meeting.

      • Policy Code 1510/4200/7270 - School Safety 
      • Policy Code 1736/4026/7236 - Sexual Harassment Defined 
      • Policy Code 3320 – School Trips
      • Policy Code 3470/4305 – Alternative Learning Program Schools
      • Policy Code 4040/7310 - Staff-Student Relations 
      • Policy Code 4260 - Student Sex Offenders (new policy put in place by NCSBA)
      • Policy Code 4333 – Weapons, Bomb, Threats, Terrorist Threats and Clear Threats to Safety
      • Policy Code 4353 - Long Term Suspension, 365 Day Suspension, Expulsion
      • Policy Code 4700 - Student Records 
      • Policy Code 5000 - Schools and the Community –
      • Policy Code 5020 - Visitors to the Schools –
      • Policy Code 5022 - Registered Sex Offenders (new policy put in place by NCSBA) –
      • Policy Code 7100 - Recruitment and Selection of Personnel 


                Dr. Ginny Carpenter and Janice Harless, Director of Technology presented an update of technology.  These areas are:

    • NCWISE update 
    • Active boards
    • Gaggle email accounts for students
    • Vision software controls computer labs
    • School Wires web site


                Janice Harless also presented a technology plan for approval to show that:

    • NC public schools will produce globally competitive students
    • NC public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals 
    • NC public school students will be healthy and responsible
    • Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools
    • NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems


                With a motion from Mr. Blake, and a second from Ms. Armstrong, the board unanimously approved this plan.


                The following Green Ridge Elementary change orders were presented by Bill Mingin:

    o       COR #37 – Additional electrical and television cabling  for $430.00

    o       COR #38 – Install an additional burglar alarm keypad in cafeteria for                       $1,075.00

    o       COR #39 – Install additional CAT6 cables as indicated by owner for                        $13,478.00

    o       COR #40 – Install additional oven circuits in kitchen for $1,922.00


                A motion was made by Mrs. Long and a second from Ms. Armstrong to approve COR #37,#38, #40.  The board unanimously approved.

                A motion was made by Mr. Spivey, with a second from Mrs. Long to reject COR #39.  The board unanimously approved.




                An agenda item was added to replace a transformer at WMHS athletic fields, with a cost of $12,073 from Progress Energy.  The state will not do any funding in this area.  It has to be local funding.  With a motion from Mr. Blake, and a second from Mrs. Reaves, the board unanimously approved this item.


                The Board recognized Mr. Brent McSwain, Montgomery County School’s new principal at WMS.  Also recognized were Montgomery County commissioners.  The Youth Montgomery Leadership group was also recognized. 


                Upon a motion by Ms. Armstrong, and second from Mr. Spivey, the board meeting was duly adjourned.





                                                                                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chair





                                                                                        Donna Cox Peters, Ph.D., Secretary

Last Modified on January 13, 2009