
                                                                MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION


                                                                                                 May 4, 2015

                  The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 4, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.  Board members present were as follows: Steven W. DeBerry, Chair; Tommy Blake, Vice Chair; Bryan Dozier; Jesse Hill; Shirley Threadgill; Ann Long and Sandra Miller.

                 Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second by Jesse Hill, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval by the board.

                Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional by reading from the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1:  “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. A small town chamber of commerce invited a speaker to address its annual dinner. The community’s economy was bad and people were discouraged. They wanted this motivational speaker to give them a boost. During her presentation, the speaker took a large piece of white paper and made a small black dot in the center with a marker. She then held up the paper before the group and asked them what they saw. One person quickly replied, “I see a black dot”. “Okay, what else do you see?” Others joined in agreement, “a black dot”. “Don’t you see anything besides the dot?” the speaker asked. A resounding “no” came from the audience. The speaker asked, “But what about the paper? You all saw it, but chose to overlook it. In life, we also tend to overlook and take for granted many wonderful things that we have and focus our attention and energy on small, dot-like failures and disappointments. These so-called ‘problems’ that we have are usually like the black dot on the paper. They are small and insignificant if we look at the whole picture.” Chairman DeBerry reminded us not to miss the blessings by looking at the dots.

                Katya Joscelyn Rodriguez and Kayla Pegues, students from Star Elementary, were on the agenda to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 

                 After the pledge, board member Jesse Hill asked to address the board. Mr. Hill thanked everyone for the cards, calls, flowers, visits and many acts of kindness shown to him and his family during the loss of his sister. He especially wanted to thank Dr. Ellis and Dr. Lancaster for attending the service.   

                 Superintendent Ellis and Tim Addis recognized the April employees of the month at Montgomery Learning Academy. Susan Starnes was selected as Certified Employee of the Month and Carol Miller as Classified Employee of the Month. Mr. Addis said Mrs. Starnes “was the driving force in the classroom” and handles three grade levels in each subject. She “gives and takes suggestions with no hesitation”. Mrs. Miller, he said, “can be found helping kids all through the day”, jumping in and helping where needed. Congratulations to Mrs. Starnes and Mrs. Miller! 

                Dr. Ellis and Teresa Dunn, Principal at Star Elementary, recognized Danielle Hurley and Shannon Robinson as the Certified and Classified May employees of the month. Mrs. Hurley is a teacher at Star, who has taught third, fourth and fifth grade. Mrs. Dunn stated that she is “truly a dedicated teacher, her students consistenly show growth and she is a team player all the way around”. Mrs. Dunn said, “Shannon Robinson is our bookkeeper at Star. She keeps me out of jail; she goes above and beyond her duties every day”.  

                Deidra Steed recognized Zac Dorsett, East Montgomery, and Brittany Qualls, West Montgomery, as receipients of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics award. Mrs Steed stated, “Students who win this award must have a strong interest in science and math and the grades to go with it. Congratulations to both of these students”. 

                 Mrs. Steed, along with Kathy Wright, West Montgomery Technology Teacher presented a certificate to three West Montgomery sophomores for placing third in the Skills USA competition. Kaleigh Wright, Hunter Hagins and Heather Boggess will travel to Louisville in June for the 51st Annual Skills Conference. The students collaborated with Grede Corporation to create an animated verson of their software. Mrs. Wright said she sent in a request to Grede for some funding to attend the conference. Grede was so impressed; they “granted every penny”. The trip to Louisville totals eight thousand dollars, which includes hotel, travel and meals. A big “thank you” to Grede Corporation for their generosity.    

                 Deidra Steed continued by recognizing four East Montgomery High School students selected to attend the SATELLITE (Science and Technology Enriching Life-long Leadership in Tomorrow’s Endeavors) program at North Carolina State University. Raymond Villalobos, Emilo Jaimes, Meredith Hinshaw and Toria Barrett will attend classes the week of May 9th through 13th, which include industry tours and experiments.      

                Jeff James introduced the four assistant principals who completed the Future Ready Leadership Program.  The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction collaborated with the N.C. Principals & Assistant Principals’ Association to provide a leadership development program for practicing assistant principals. This professional development, entitled Future-Ready Leadership (FRL), is aligned to the performance evaluation standards adopted by the State Board of Education for North Carolina’s school leaders. Through this cohort-driven model, assistant principals will participate in six face-to-face sessions and engage in assignments, projects, and readings designed to build the capacity of their schools and their own capacity as “Future-Ready” school leaders. Assistant Principals who completed the program are Amy Reynolds, Montgomery Learning Academy; John Shelton, West Montgomery; and Angela Sorenson, West Middle.

               Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as shown. With a motion by Sandra Miller and a second by Ann Long, the Consent Agenda was approved with unanimous approval from the board. Items approved were as follows:

    1)      Board Minutes from the April 13th Board and Budget Meeting;

    2)      Personnel and Auxillary Reports:

    a.     Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

    Resignation/Retirement        School/Assignment              Effective Date

    1)    Ericka Shaw                      Montgomery Learning                        06/15/2015

    Resignation                        Science Teacher

    2)    Nell Wilson                         East Middle School                 07/01/2015

    Retirement                         Family/Consumer Science

    3)    Sharon Brewer                  Green Ridge Elementary        06/15/2015

    Retirement                         Teacher Assistant

    4)    Denise Carpenter              East Montgomery High           07/01/2015

    Retirement                         Teacher Assistant

    5)    Darrell Stevenson              Green Ridge Elementary        07/01/2015

    Retirement                         Elementary Teacher

    6)    Kayla Lee                           21st Century Grant/                 04/24/2015

    Resignation                        Substitute Teacher

    7)    Marvis Rorie                      East High/East Middle            06/12/2015

    Resignation                        Band Director


    b.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim temporary contracts for the 2014-2015 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:

     Contract/                         School/                                  Record        

              Effective Date                Assignment                          Check                   Replacing

    1)    John McKnight           West Middle School                   Yes                     Sharon Romero

                   05/04/2015                  Social Studies Teacher

    2)    Johnny Seawell          Green Ridge Elem.                    Yes                     Susan Ashworth

        EC Teacher

    c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for the 2015-2016 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:

     Contract/                         School/                                  Record        

              Effective Date                Assignment                          Check                   Replacing

    1)    James Johnson           West Montgomery High            Yes                   Henry Panzer

           08/18/2015                 Health/PE Teacher

    2)    Michael Williams          Elementary Schools              Pending                New Position

    07/06/2015                   Instructional Technology


     d.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:

     Employee/                          School/                              Record

             Effective Date                    Assignment                       Check              Replacing

    1)    Carrie Robledo              Elementary Schools              Yes                  New Position

                07/06/2015                       Instructional Technology 


    e.    Report of the following transfers:


     Effective Date                From                         To                                    Replacing

     1) Enoc Robledo             East Montgomery      West Montgomery           New Position

         07/06/2015                  Spanish Teacher        Instructional Technology


    f.     Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutors:

               Dawn Jackson – Green Ridge Elementary

               Willia Vundagles – Star Elementary

    g.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following bus driver/sub driver for the 2014-2015 school year that are not dual employees:

             Ereka Turner – Bus Monitor

             Jamie Hunsucker – Bus Driver

             Jeremy Steele – Bus Driver- Background Check Pending

    Upon recommendation, approval of the following overnight trip is requested.

    June 23-25, 2015East Montgomery High School basketball to Guilford College, Greensboro, NC for Battle of the Border Team Camp

    Upon recommendation, approval of the following student transfers is requested.

    Montgomery County Schools to Asheboro City Schools

    Ansleigh Kate Chriscoe

    Montgomery County Schools to Moore County Schools

    Trent Parks             Jacob Vuncannon           Rachel Vuncannon

    Montgomery County Schools to Richmond County Schools

    Natalie Primm    Jada Primm

    Montgomery County Schools to Stanly County Schools

    William Crotts   Tazewell Crotts   James Crotts   Blake William Taylor 

    Gaven Bruce Larson


    3)  Budget Amendment #5:






                 Dr. James introduced Beth Lancaster, Director of Project Access, who gave a Project ACCESS update. Per the I3 grant, proposal requests were mailed in March to thirteen companies. The request was for a rugged laptop with durable, anchored keys and competitive warranty. Out of the thirteen, only six bids were received, with the lowest being from Lenovo. By purchasing the laptops from Lenovo, the remaining grant money of $36,000 can be used on other needs. The laptops will be equipped with the Canvas Learning System. Teachers create courses and Canvas takes it from there.  When a change is made within a course, students and teachers receive messages using text and email notifications. Professional development for the software will begin with the Friday Institute in May, June and August, training a cohort of 40 staff members. Students will receive their devices at the beginning of the school year, one school at a time, with middle and high schools being first on the list. Distribution to kindergarten through fourth grade will be after Christmas. Parents must sign a waiver and pay a fee before a laptop is checked out. Pinecrest, in Moore County, has recently implemented the program. Dr. James and Mrs. Lancaster have planned a site visit on May 18th.       

                East Montgomery Principal Heather Seawell, along with teachers, Laura Dawkins and Emily Dunn, discussed SMART Lunch (Students Maximizing Achievement with Relationships and Time). During SMART Lunch, students can choose to attend clubs and activities or study and complete homework. Before making the decision to begin SMART Lunch at East, teachers traveled to Iredell County to see how it worked for them. Some of the positive comments about the program were that it increased student engagement, reduced class interruptions and removed barriers for participation. For example, students can attend meetings because they are held during the school day and not after school when transportation is an issue. Since implementing the program at East, student grade awareness has been raised and student behavior and attendance has improved. Teachers are there to help students during lunch. The students work hard to be in the program and love it. Zac Dorsett, Toria Barrett and Raymond Villalobos, students at East, spoke in favor of Smart Lunch stating that it was “beneficial”, because “the first half is anything academic and the second half is activity time”. A parent of two East Montgomery seniors addressed the board stated that Mrs. Bostic had worked with her children during this time helping them apply for scholarships; something they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do without SMART Lunch. Mrs. Seawell said she now sees students studying, eating together and helping each other during lunch, something she didn’t see in her three prior years at East.               

                 East Middle teachers April Hurley, Barbara Streeter, Jackie Baldwin and Kirk Watts presented a program on METAL (Montgomery Excellence Through Academic Leadership). Eighty-nine students were chosen by their team of teachers based on academic need and weakness in science and math to attend the afterschool program. The schedule is as follows: 2:50 to 3:00 – attendance check and snack; 3:00 to 3:40 – fitness; 3:40 to 4:30 AVID/Project Lead the Way/STEM career speaker and 4:30 to 5:30 – homework tutoring with ELA, Math and Science teachers. Since Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is the nation’s leading provider of science, technology, engineering and math, the teachers give the students projects to work on as a team. For example, students were asked to construct a “Fling Machine” by designing a contraption that could sling a cotton ball. They had to fling the cotton ball and measure the results, making modifications with problem solving. Another project was a “Tower of Power” family night. Teams of four had thirty minutes to build a tall tower made of straws held together with tape. The towers had to hold a tennis ball for thirty seconds. The object of the class is teaching while letting the students talk about something they are interested in, giving them the opportunity to be globally competitive. The program will continue until June 30th during the summer.      

                 The Board proclaimed Tuesday, May 5th as Teacher Appreciation Day. Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the proclamation as read. Ann Long made the motion with Tommy Blake seconding. With unanimous approval from the board, the proclamation reads as follows:         

              WHEREAS, Montgomery County Schools Teachers make public schools great; and WHEREAS, Teachers work to open student’s minds to ideas, knowledge and dreams; and WHEREAS, Teachers keep American democracy alive by laying the foundation for good citizenship; and WHEREAS, Teachers fill many roles, as listeners, explorers, role models, motivators and mentors; and WHEREAS, Teachers continue to influence us long after our school days are only memories;

              Now, therefore, I, Steven W. DeBerry, serving as chair of the Montgomery County Board of Education, Do hereby proclaim Tuesday, May 5, 2015, as National Teacher Day. I urge that we observe this day by taking time to recognize and acknowledge the impact of Teachers on our lives.

                            Signed this fourth day of May, two thousand and fifteen.


    Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman                                          Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary


               Kevin Lancaster asked the board’s approval for Policy Code 3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use. The policy was presented for first reading at the April meeting. Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the change. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Sandra Miller, the policy change was approved. Dr. Lancaster presented other policies for first reading to be approved at the June meeting.   They are as follows: 1610/7800 Professional and Staff Development; 1750/7220 Grievance Procedure for Employees; 2110 Board Member Elections; 2321 Closed Sessions; 2610 Board Attorney; 3100 Curriculum Development; 3450 Class Rankings; 3220 Technology in the Educational Program; 3300 School Calendar and Time for Learning; 3431 Conflict Resolution; 3450 Class Rankings; 3460 Graduation Requirements; 3470/4305 Alternative Learning Programs/Schools; 3620 Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations; 4152 Unsafe School Choice Transfer; 5022 Registered Sex Offenders; 5024/6127/7266 Emergency Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices; 6230 School Meal and Competitive Foods Standards; 6410 Organization of the Purchasing Function; 7810 Evaluation of Licensed Employees; 7920 Professional Personnel Reduction in Force and 8510 School Finance Officer.

      Superintendent Ellis recognized the employees and students in attendance tonight, stating alot of progess is going on in the schools and Montgomery County is certainly going in the right direction. Dr. Ellis thanked the board for recognizing the teachers and said he is “thankful for all employees”.   

    Sandra Miller asked to address the board to remind them of the Mt. Gilead Stakeholders Meeting on Saturday, May 16th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. There will be a panel discussion and lunch will be served. She invited all interested parties to attend.

    Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, and a second from Ann Long, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.

                Upon returning from closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Shirley Threadgill, the meeting was duly adjourned.  

                 The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, June 1, 2015 at 6:30 pm.


                __________________________                       ________________________

                Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman                          Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary

Last Modified on June 2, 2015