•                                                     MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION


                                                                                     August 3, 2015


                 The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.  Board members present were as follows: Steven W. DeBerry – Chair, Tommy Blake – Vice Chair, Bryan Dozier, Jesse Hill, Ann Long and Sandra Miller. Shirley Threadgill was absent.

                  Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted as presented with the consent agenda held until closed session.

                  Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional by reading from the book of IITimothy, 4:7:  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.”  In 1867, John Roebling had a vision and a passion to do something experts said couldn’t be done: build a bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn, in New York City.  Roebling and his son Washington, a young engineer, did not listen to the experts. The Roeblings hired a crew and got to work on John’s dream.  A few months into the project, a worksite accident took John’s life. The project continued, with Washington as its leader. Three years later, Washington was severely injured. He was unable to talk, walk, or move most of his body, but his mind was sharp and his dream of building the bridge still burned in his heart. Washington had two things in his favor: one finger that still worked and a wife who loved him. Roebling and his wife figured out a communication system by tapping on her arm. For eleven years, Washington tapped out messages and instructions for building the bridge until it was finally complete. Washington Roebling needed a dependable team of people to achieve his dream. He needed his father, his crew, and his wife. With their help and his determination, he completed his quest.

              Chairman DeBerry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 

              Superintendent Ellis and Kevin Lancaster recognized two employees retiring from Montgomery County Schools. Joan Frye, Principal at West Middle, and Susan Fox, Administrative Assistant in Human Resources, will be ending their careers this month. Congratulations to both employees! 

               Next, Dr. Ellis presented a redistricting update to make the board aware of the growth at Green Ridge Elementary. The expected average daily membership for Star is 240, for Candor 359 and for Green Ridge 528. In reviewing the capacities of the schools, the consideration would be to move up to 100 students from Green Ridge to Star and up to 40 students from Green Ridge to Candor. Superintendent Ellis said, “This would create a much more balanced load of students…and could be accomplished by moving four to five classes to Star and one to two to Candor. These numbers will form our starting point and is by no means set in stone, but we have to start somewhere”. Dr. Ellis presented a timeline for his recommendation. Beginning August 2015 to November 2015 – Work with transportation to adjust boundary lines to develop the “optimal fit” for students. November 2015 to January 2016 – Continue to work with transportation and develop two alternative options for the Board to consider.  February 2016 – Present the optimal fit and alternatives to the Board for approval.  March 2016 – Communicate boundary changes to parents and students who are affected by any changes. March 2016 to July 2016 – Work through any issues or problems that may arise and beginning August 2016 – Open school with the new boundary lines.  Board members agreed with the outline asking to be sure ample notice is given to parents and the community through public meetings and Blackboard Connect, our call out system.       

            Superintendent Ellis gave an I3 update to the board, listing the dates and times laptops would be distributed to the students along with the fees associated with using them. The fee will be used to access digital tools, as well as enhancements and additional staffing. Dr. Ellis stated that getting the laptops are one thing, but learning to use them is another. Extra staff is needed for the maintenance and staff development required. Rates will be pro-rated if a student enters school in the middle of the year and a payment plan of ten dollars per month is available if needed.        

            Dr. Lancaster presented the following policy codes for approval: 1310/4002 Parental Involvement, 4110 Immunization and Health Requirements for School Admission, 4600 Student Fees, 4601 Collection of Student Fees and Charges, 7500 Workday and Overtime. Mrs. Miller made the motion to approve the policy changes, with Ms. Long seconding. The board unanimously approved the policy changes. 

           During Superintendent Remarks, Dr. Ellis proudly announced that this year, the graduation rate rose from 86.4% to 87.2%. He stated that he expects that number to increase each year due to the various programs at MCS, such as Early College, the laptop program and a STEM related curriculum. With a vast number of baby boomers retiring, jobs will be there for our students who enter the job force. Dr. Ellis said, “We will reach the challenge; great things are on the horizon for our school system”.         

           Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, and a second from Tommy Blake, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel and student discipline.

            Following a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Tommy Blake, the following items were approved on the consent agenda during closed session:

    1)                           1)  Board Minutes from July 13, 2015;

                           2)  Personnel and Auxillary Reports:

        a.   Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher list:

                Certified                                  Recommended By                Record Check          

    1)    Brooke Crump                     Joan Frye                                      Yes

    2)    Joanna Wallace                   Heather Seawell                            Yes

    3)    Emily Hess                          Chris Jonassen                          Pending


    b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

    Resignation/Retirement        School/Assignment              Effective Date

    1)    Terry Appen                        East Montgomery High           July 20, 2015

    Resignation                         PE Teacher


    2)    Chris Lee                            Central Office                         August 13, 2015

    Resignation                         Custodian


    3)    Dustin Braddock                 West Montgomery High          July 15, 2015

    Resignation                         In-School Suspension


    4)    Karen Binns                        Mt. Gilead Elementary            August 1, 2015

    Resignation                         Inst. Facilitator


    5)    Rebecca Cagle                   Page Street Elementary         July 13, 2015

    Resignation                         Elementary Teacher


    6)    Opal Sloan-Archie              East Montgomery High           July 9, 2015

    Resignation                         EC Teacher


    7)    Chelsea Dempsey              Mt. Gilead Elementary            August 1, 2015

    Resignation                         3rd Grade Teacher


    c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for the 2015-2016 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:

      Contract/                         School/                                Record        

              Effective Date                Assignment                          Check                   Replacing

    1)    Jeffrey Barrett           East Middle/                             Yes                      Marvis Rorie

    8/18/2015                  East Montgomery High


    2)    Kelley Hensley           East Middle School                  Yes                     Johni Harris Lilly

    8/18/2015                   7th Grade ELA/SS

    d.    Report of the following transfers:


     Transfer/Effective Date                From                            To                                 Replacing

     1)Tempest Leake                        West Middle                West Middle                   Carol Parsons

           08/01/2015                          Inst. Facilitator            Testing Coordinator


             2)Stephanie Lynthacum          Troy Elementary          Troy Elementary              Chris Jonassen

                  08/01/2015                          Elem. Teacher             Inst. Facilitator


             3)Amanda Brown                    Elementary Schools    Mt. Gilead Elementary        Karen Binns

                 08/01/2015                           Inst.Tech.Specialist    Instructional Facilitator


             4)Ashley Hogan                        West Middle School   West Middle School

                 08/11/2015                            Child Nutrition P/T      Child Nutrition Asst. Mgr.


             5)Britton, Nancy                        West Middle School   Green Ridge Elem.

                 08/18/2015                            Teacher Asst.             Teacher Asst.


             6)Kristy Kissell                         Candor Elementary    Green Ridge Elem.

                 08/18/2015                           Teacher Asst.              Teacher Asst.


             7)Carol Smith                            Mt. Gilead Elem.         Troy Elementary

                 08/18/2015                            Teacher Asst.              Teacher Asst.


            8)Jeanene Robinson                  Page Street Elem.       Green Ridge Elem.

                08/18/2015                             Teacher Asst.               Teacher Asst.


            9)Lynn Cagle                            West Middle School     West Montgomery

                08/18/2015                            Teacher Asst.               Teacher Asst.


           10)Cathy Haithcock                   West Montgomery        Candor Elementary

                 08/18/2015                           Teacher Asst.              Teacher Asst.


          11)Priscilla Lockhart                    Green Ridge Elem.        East Middle School

                08/18/2015                             Teacher Asst.                 Teacher Asst.


          12)Kelly Lamonds                       Candor Elementary       Green Ridge Elementary

                08/18/2015                             Teacher Asst.                 Teacher Asst.


          13)Teresa Horne                          Transportation Dept.      West Montgomery High

                08/18/2015                             Clerical                            In-School Suspension


          14)Shenelle Greene                      Mt. Gilead Elem.            West Middle School

                08/18/2015                              Teacher Asst.                 Teacher Asst.


          15)Amanda Terry                          East Middle School         East Montgomery High

                08/18/2015                               EC Teacher                    PE Teacher


          16)Miriam DeBerry                        Candor Elementary        Troy Elementary

                08/18/2015                               Pre-K Teacher                1st Grade Teacher


    b.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:

        Employee/                          School/                              Record

             Effective Date                    Assignment                        Check              Replacing

     1)    Amy Spencer                 Central Office                        Yes                  Delores Mauldin

    07/20/2015                     Adm. Asst. EC


    2)    Brantley Moore              West Montgomery High         Yes                  Princess Miller

    08/03/2015                     P/T Custodian


    3)    LeAnne Coyle                West Middle School                Yes                 Re-hire

    08/18/2015                     Office Support


     c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contract:

     ·         Ellen Jones, Interim Principal, West Middle School, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 28, 2015 and ending date    TBD.

     d.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the fall 2015 sports season:

     West Montgomery High School

    April Britt            Cross Country


    1. Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contract:

     ·         John McMillan, Principal, West Middle School, annual twelve-month term commencing August 5, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017, pending background check.


    3) Montgomery Community College Trustee Reappointments: 

           Andrea Marshall and Phil Absher


               After returning from closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Ann Long, the meeting was duly adjourned.  

               The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm.


                __________________________                       ________________________

                Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman                          Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary
Last Modified on September 15, 2015