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Minutes - April 13, 2011

Certified Staff Advisory

Meeting Notes

April 13, 2011

3:30 p.m.


The Certified Staff Advisory meeting held at the central office started on time at 3:30 p.m. 

Dr. Ellis reviewed the highlights of the Community Area Advisory meeting held at Troy Elementary and East Middle School earlier in the week.

Click HERE to review the presentation.

a.      MCS Strategic Plan – Presented the Strategic Plan adopted the BOE.

b.      Budget Update – Gave an update on the budget process.

Afterwards, Dr. Ellis opened the floor for questions and discussions.


  • Do we have a cell phone policy?  We will get with Dr. Lancaster to review our policy and possibly update it.
  • Do we ever take parents to court over attendance issues? The attendance policy has been approved by the board.  Yes, we do take parents to court.  Our new attendance policy will help—we’ll do a big media blitz to make everyone aware of the new policy.
  • We need more governance in athletics.  Sometimes revenue from one team is spent to bail out another team that has overspent its budget.  They key is to use the purchase order system and not overspend budget allotments.  Businesses are also aware that they need to obtain a PO before fulfilling orders.
  • Do teachers get compensatory time? No, but flex hours is okay if approved by principal, and doesn’t interrupt an instructional day. Example, if teacher stays late for parent/teacher conferences and would like to leave early on the following optional teacher workday for an appointment, or leave at 2:30 when student leave one day instead of waiting until 3:30.
  • MLA would like to receive more media coverage for their graduation this year.  We will try to make that happen.
  • Textbook Update: A survey was sent to all principals to gauge their needs.  One school was in the greatest need—we’re in the process of fulfilling that textbook request.  A textbook is one tool, one resource.  If there is a need, we will provide, but we must know where the needs are.
  • How are streaming rooms being used?  We’re looking at using them for across county teaching.
  • In the future, let’s not allow spring break to be so late.
  • EC – we need to review corrective reading practices.