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Minutes - April 16, 2014

Montgomery County Schools

Certified Staff Advisory Meeting

April 16, 2014



The Certified Staff Advisory meeting for Montgomery County Schools met Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 3:30 pm in the Board Room at the Central Office. Members of the advisory who were present included: Christine Stackhouse, WMHS; Terry Maness, MGES; Carol Mosley, PSES; Tonya Little, TES; Jennifer Hare, EMS; Beth Bailey, CES; Kathy Bodien, GRES; Debby Johnson, SES; Debra Knowles, WMS. Also present from the Central Office; Katie Hursey, and Dr. Dale Ellis. Absent: Adam Garner, EMHS; Ericka Shaw, MLA


Dr. Ellis called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He provided an update on the budget, stating that things are in the best position they have been in a while. It was asked if there was any money for new positions. Dr. Ellis reported that there are funds for extra Social Studies teachers at the high schools due to state requirements with US History. He also stated that administration hopes to have decisions made in regards to any teachers being moved by May 1st


An update on facilities was also given by Dr. Ellis. One priority mentioned with our facilities is adding a wing to East Middle School to accommodate the increase of student population. Other priorities regarding facilities are our high schools.


Dr. Ellis asked the group to participate in an activity providing feedback on one high school versus maintaining two high schools. The following information was collected:

One High School

+ More academic opportunities

+ Costs of running one building would be less

+ Better services for ESL students/EC students

+ Academics might be improved – more courses for all

+ More team playing – not E vs W “team spirit”

+ Spread the wealth

+ Motivation for athletics and academics

+ Cut costs in electricity, etc.


∆ Discipline issues

∆ Academic placement (tougher to be top 10, etc.)

∆ Busing concerns – mileage, routes to long

∆ Discouraging involvement in athletics and clubs

∆ Operations cost

∆ More gangs

∆ More responsibility for administration

∆ Parent involvement – extra distance

∆ More parents choosing charter or home school – large numbers

∆ Scheduling concerns – large numbers


The following questions were addressed that were presented by the advisory committee prior to the meeting:


·         Groups making presentations to student bodies should be investigated before being exposed to students. Recently a group who made presentations to High School and Middle Schools had a presenter with a checkered past related to his involvement with male students as an Assistant Principal. All presenters should go over the same investigation as Volunteers. This situation was discussed and Dr. Ellis assured the group that all presenters that go before our students have received background checks.

·         When can we leave on Friday? 12:30


There was also discussion around lock down procedures for when students are outside for PE.


There being no further questions. The meeting was adjourned.