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Minutes - October 14, 2015

Certified Staff Advisory Council Minutes

October 14, 2015

Members present include: Janet Sechrest, PSES; Danielle Hurley, SES; Ruby Parsons, MLA; Autumn McNeill, CES; Anita DeBerry, WMHS; Sarah Talbert, EMHS; Jennah King, GRES; Christy McIntyre, MGES; Sandy Taylor and Nancy Cardozo, TES; and Ashley Williamson, WMS. Absent: Colin Peters, EMS. 

Dr. Ellis welcomed those in attendance and reviewed the purpose of the Certified Staff Advisory Council – to collect questions and share information with your school to keep the lines of communication open.

Budget Update

Dr. Ellis provided a budget update. He highlighted two major issues. First, the state was going to cut funds for teacher assistants. Funding was granted, however it must be used for teacher assistants only. Other districts, in the past have traded this funding to hire more teachers for smaller class sizes. MCS has never used TA funds to do so. Second, pay – raise was wanted. The legislature purposed a 2% increase, but approved a $750 bonus. Funds for the bonus will be received in December, but it is unclear when it will be released in December. If it’s received before pay day in December it will be given in December, if not, it will be January.

Another major concern was a bill that would give additional funds to Charter Schools. It would have cost MCS $260,000. The bill got tabled, but will be one of the things discussed first next year.

Lastly, Dr. Ellis provided an update on the MCS fund balance. MCS is decreasing the amount spent each year and working towards spending none. If the above mention bill passes it would be a devastating hit to our fund balance. 

Legislative Update

Two things to highlight. First, low performing school bill was passed this year. A low performing school is identified as a school that makes a D or F which also meets or does not meet growth. MCS had two schools, MGES and WMS, which were identified as low performing schools. These schools are working on a plan to improve performance. Our region had four school districts that are low performing districts, and led the state. MCS was not one of those. We are outperforming our peers in this area.

Second, the formula to calculate school grades is based on 20% growth and 80% proficiency. We have fought for 50% growth and 50% proficiency, but it was not passed, and we will continue to fight for that. The state did leave the A to F scale to 15 points. They want three years of data on these standards. Our hope is after those three years we will see a 10 point grading scale with 50% growth and 50% proficiency to determine the school grades. 

Facilities Update

County Commissioners passed a 5% sales tax increase. The increase will benefit schools and all will go to educational facilities. One cent is to take care of existing maintenance concerns and facilities. A 30 year plan has been developed to show how the funds will be used to sustain facilities. Four cents will be used to fund an early college. This project will be a partnership with MCC, MCS, and the county with the purpose of focusing on the CTE kids who want to go into skilled trade’s positions, STEM, and college transfer. It will be a 5 year program and students will graduate with a diploma and associates degree. The cost of the project is around $10 million. The second priority for these funds is the wing at EMS. 3 year window for that project. By 2019 there will be a strong need for this. In 2021 we will discuss what to do with the high schools – one versus two. 


MGES - 1. How come the money has been released for the $750 but we will not receive it until January? The money was supposed to be like a "Christmas Bonus".  Some counties are releasing it this month while others are releasing it in November.  We do not understand why we have to wait to get it in January. Funds are scheduled to be received in December. If they are received before pay day then staff will get the bonus on December, if not, it will be received in January.

2.  When will the 21st Century Grant afterschool program begin? ASAP. Plan is submitted waiting for funds. Hope to start within next 2 to 3 weeks.

TES - 1.  Why can't half days be used for teacher planning/working in rooms since it is much needed? (With math training, MTSS training, and Letterland training, PD requirements should be met). These half days are for school related PD. Please make sure your peers are utilizing days off. It has been noticed that days that could be used for teacher planning and working in rooms that individuals are taking off instead. 

2.  Do accutrain videos count toward credits? They could. Submit your certificates. 

PSES - There is a concern about providing quality interventions regularly to students who are 2 or more grade levels behind their peers.  These are transitional third/fourth graders.  These students need so much more than classroom teachers can provide alone.  Could funds be appropriated to meet the needs of these students by hiring an Intervention Specialist or by modifying Instructional Facilitator roles to assist with interventions?  Cannot modify IF role. That was done 2 years ago because of testing, which got away from what Ifs are needed for. Funds are allocated in spring to help with tutoring. In order to hire an Intervention Specialist cuts would have to be made in other departments to fund position.

So much money is devoted to technology.  Could there not be money dedicated to assisting to teach students to read.  In the upper level elementary grades, there is very little time to teach students to read.  We spend millions of dollars to help students read. Lots of programs have been implemented to assist with. Will look into increasing tutoring money to help.

What does it mean in Montgomery County to be AIG? New standards have been set in place to designate AIG students. We have a very specific AIG plan. Please talk with Deidra Steed if you have specific questions. What services are available to students who might qualify?  Elementary – differentiation in classroom, Cluster grouping at middle schools (honors classes), High school – honors, AP, Career and College promise – course offerings

Could we get a job description of people in the county office? Available on MCS website.  

What services do we have to help new teachers? There are Lead Mentors and IFs in each building who should be coaching in the classroom.

Will early college students be able to participate in athletics? Yes. Play sports with home school. Access to prom, band, etc. Location? MCC. Plan is to open fall of 2017. What would be criteria for those who attend? Will have to develop criteria and application process. Distance learning will more than likely still be available. Equal number of slots (25) per school each year (with some flexibility from year to year). No tuition. Lots of logistics left to work out.