Minutes - April 16, 2014
Montgomery County Schools
Classified Staff Advisory Meeting
April 16, 2014
The Classified Staff Advisory meeting for Montgomery County Schools met Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 9:00 am in the Staff Development Room at the Central Office. Members of the advisory who were present included: Chris Hadlock, EMHS; Robin Heath, WMHS; Kathy Mabry, MGES; Barbara Smith, GRES; Tina Woody, TES; Jackie Jackson, EMS; Beth Hall, SES; Debbie Allen, CES; Cindy Williams, WMS; April Greene, PSES; and Andrea Vuncannon, Central Office. Also present from the Central Office; Katie Hursey, and Dr. Dale Ellis.
Dr. Ellis called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He provided an update on the budget, stating that things are in the best position they have been in a while.
An update on facilities was also given by Dr. Ellis. One priority mentioned is adding a wing to East Middle School to accommodate the increase of student population. Other priorities with our facilities are our high schools.
Dr. Ellis asked the group to participate in activity providing feedback on one high school versus maintaining two high schools. The following information was collected:
One High School
+ Building expense
+ More class choices, sports, clubs, band
+ Spend money on one
+ No more middle and high school kids together on buses
+ Location beside MCC
+ Sports – better teams
+ Overhead and utilities cost less with one large school
Neutral – Staff? Cuts or increase?
- Maybe less community support of one school
∆ Job cuts possible
∆ Farther transportation for some – travel time/bus routes – longer distance for Mt. Gilead and Candor
∆ Sports – a lot of kids cut
∆ Bigger classes
∆ Less athletes would be able to participate
Two High Schools
+ Happy – No Change
+ Smaller class size
∆ Spending money and how long renovations will last and what can be done
The following questions were addressed that were presented by the advisory committee prior to the meeting:
Star Elementary
· Can we add supply items to the county wide list or do we need to have a list per school? Items can be added to county wide list. Please work through your principal and get list to Dr. James.
· TAs have noticed head phones don't last long with all the students using them. They are suggesting ear buds per each student. Dr. Ellis will discuss with Technology Department
· Are the TAs still having a meeting with the NCATA? The scheduled date was a snow day (I think.) Dr. Ellis will work on rescheduling meeting.
· If a TA is transferred to another school next ye will that move be based on seniority? Several factors are considered when moving an individual – skills of the individual, job duties, and seniority. Lots of time and energy is given to ensure that the best decision and fit is made when moving individuals.
· If elementary schools are without an art, music, librarian or technology assistant next year, will they fill those positions with TAs? Yes.
Page Street
· Why are the board notes not being put on the website until several months later? Minutes are one month behind because they have to be approved by the board at the next meeting before they can be posted.
· Groups making presentations to student bodies should be investigated before being exposed to students. Recently a group who made presentations to High School and Middle Schools had a presenter with a checkered past related to his involvement with male students as an Assistant Principal. All presenters should go over the same investigation as Volunteers. (It was suggested this might be Certified as well, but was given by classified staff) This situation was discussed and Dr. Ellis assured the group that all presenters that go before our students have received background checks.
· When can we leave on Friday? 12:30
Other questions:
· Will TAs be hired to help with summer school? No, but that could change based on funds. What about for buses? Yes, they will be needed to help run the buses and could be asked to help with other things.
· Chatham County offers bus drivers incentives for driving the bus without having a sub. Could something similar be done in our county to help with retention? Dr. Ellis will look into this.
There being no further questions. The meeting was adjourned.