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Minutes - February 12, 2015

Classified Staff Minutes

February 2015


The Classified Staff Advisory meet Thursday, Thursday 12, 2015. Members present were: Laura Wilson, GRES; Teresa Greene, CES; Gail Thompson, MES; Cynthia Britt, SES; Cindy Williams, WMS; Cathy Haithcock, WMHS; Felicia Ward, Central Office; Melanie Nichols, TES; Martha Lalor, PSES; Jackie Jackson, EMS; Cheryl Johnson, EMHS; Tremenia Wall, MLA.


Dr. Ellis welcomed those in attendance.


Grant updates

Dr. Ellis mentioned that as spring approaches there will be new people. No one will lose a job based on the grants, however new grants require new positions, and these positions are funded through grant funds.


We have an after school program – where we are currently hiring staff. Working on getting middle school after school grant up and running.


Continue to look at ways to improve services. Currently looking at PE grant.


Budget update

We do not have a final decision from the General Assembly from the budget. The state is $271 million behind in tax collections. Tax cuts have also gone into effect. There is a possibility of cuts. We are hoping to be able to cover any cuts with grant funds and fund balance. Our commitment is to maintain everyone that we currently have. Our goal is to increase service without decreasing funds.




SES - With the rumors circulating from surrounding counties we are concerned about our jobs for the 2015 – 2016 school year. One neighboring county told their assistants before Christmas who was being cut. We are concerned about not knowing before the summer and then not being able to find employment in a timely manner. Will there be cuts and if so when will the assistants be informed? Will cuts be based on seniority or job performance? There are no plans to cut teacher assistants. That would be a last resort, and our goal is to maintain the positions we have.


TES – TAs would like to know if they are there on time every day could there be a reward – just like the teachers. Can be discussed with your principal.


CES – A staff member wanted to know if and how you advertise for new bus drivers? Will follow up with Dr. Lancaster about postings for bus drivers. Make sure that part time bus driver positions are posted.


Will there be any additional help on 1:1 computers? There will be grant-funded positions to hire at middle and high schools to assist.