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Minutes - February 20, 2014

Montgomery County Schools

Classified Staff Advisory Meeting

February 20, 2014



The Classified Staff Advisory meeting for Montgomery County Schools met Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 9:00 am in the Staff Development Room at the Central Office. Members of the advisory who were present included: Chris Hadlock, EMHS; Robin Heath, WMHS; Laura Britt, MGES; Barbara Smith, GRES; Tina Woody, TES; Jackie Jackson, EMS; Carolyn Vanhoy, SES; Debbie Allen, CES; Cindy Williams, WMS; and Andrea Vuncannon, Central Office. Also present from the Central Office; Katie Hursey, and Dr. Dale Ellis. Absent: April Greene, PSES


Dr. Ellis called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He reviewed the 2014 Strategic Plan. The advisory committee was then given time to review the strategic plan in groups and make suggestions for what should be added or omitted for the 2017 Strategic Plan. The following suggestions were made:


·         The group expressed concern about security in schools. They asked if there was a better way to monitor the traffic on campus, i.e., cameras at entrances. The suggestion was made to change the goal to Adequate Safe Facilities. Dr. Ellis reported that the long term plan addresses this issue and calls for a buzz system to be placed in all schools.

·         How is lottery helping? All funds from the lottery go towards payment of Green Ridge Elementary

·         The group expressed concern about teacher workshops and that it creates attendance issues for teachers. They also discussed the difficulty in finding substitute teachers due to the new rules regarding subs hours.

·         The group expressed concern about being understaffed and TAs having to assist more than one teacher. Dr. Ellis has met with NCTA group and is allowing them to lobby for TAs.

·         The group expressed concerns of no Technology Teacher, specifically at Star Elementary. The facilities are available but no one to teach. Dr. Ellis will follow up with Teresa Dunn about this concern.

·         The group expressed a concern to start earlier with educating students about teen pregnancy. Dr. Ellis discussed the partnership with CIS and the Parent Matters program that is being implemented.


The following questions were addressed that were presented by the advisory committee prior to the meeting:


Bus drivers expressed concern with the rule at East Middle; they can’t drop students off prior to 7:40 costing them time in the transition to get clocked in as a TA. They also told me that there are Teachers driving a bus at East Middle and they don’t have to adhere to the same rule. They just drop and go inside. It seems they are upset about a 5 to 10 minute window. Would it be possible to have the middle school allow for a 7:30 drop off helping our TA’s make a quicker transition to High School? Dr. Ellis will follow up with Russ Brown and principals.

The question was raised again about bus drivers and TAs going hourly. The group reported back there was no interest to do so from Green Ridge Elementary, WMS, EMHS, and Mt. Gilead Elementary.

The group inquired about making up snow days. Two are being made up in March, leaving one more to make up. Administration is looking at Good Friday, Memorial Day, or potentially waving the day missed.

What does “No day” mean? Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Ellis explained that it meant TAs have the right to work, take an annual leave day or take a bonus day on days labeled as No days.

Could there be an evaluation for subs? Dr. Ellis explained that subs are evaluated daily and that principals have the right to block subs. He also encouraged subs to go to principals if they have any feedback.

There being no further questions, the meeting was adjourned.