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February 4, 2020


Principal’s Meeting Agenda


Group:  Principals

Date/Time: February 4, 2020 at 8:30 am

Place: Central Support Services, SD Room

Facilitator/Leader: Dr. Ellis and Mr. Grit

Attending: Principals and Central Office Support


Overall Purpose:  Montgomery County Schools will graduate life-ready, globally competitive students who are leaders in their community, who value diversity, and who are College and Career Ready.


Agenda Item





Action(s) Taken

Assigned to

By When





Dr. Ellis

5 mins.




BOE Review


D. Ellis

5 mins.




TWC Sandhills 2020


D. Ellis

20 mins.




“So You Think Your School Rocks”


S. Brown

10 mins.




Accountability and Quality Update


T. LeGrand

10 mins.




Diversity and Equity


T. LeGrand

5 mins.




Equity Update/Book Study


T. LeGrand

10 mins.




Education  Deserts


T. Grit

15 mins.




Adult Lunch Charges


K. Lancaster

5 mins.




EC Updates


C. Dulin

10 mins.




Enforce 911


R. Neal

10 mins.
































Charlotte Touring Co.


T. Absher

5 mins.




Summer Intersession/Reading Camp


T. Absher

10 mins.




Feb. 5 PD


T. Absher

5 mins.




MCS Reading Levels/Data Chats


T. Grit

10 mins.


















Property Disposal


D. Ellis

10 mins.




Gear Up


J. Spell

10  mins.




CLNA Survey


W. Auman

10 mins.




Course Registration


W. Auman

10 mins.




Summer School Schedule/Budget


W. Auman

10 mins.






W. Auman/J. Cagle

10 mins.