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September 8, 2008



Monday, September 8, 2008



            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in regular session on Monday, September 8, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present:


                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman

                        James M. Spivey, Vice Chairman

                        Frances H. Reaves

                        Tommy A. Blake

                        Ann S. Long

                        Almetta Armstrong

                        Shirley M. Threadgill


            Following the call to order by Chairman Steve DeBerry, a motion was made by Mr. Spivey, with a second by Mrs. Long, and the board adopted the board meeting agenda with the addition of the closed session for personnel.


Chairman DeBerry presented the opening devotion, Psalms 37: 33, 34, “The difference between success and failure.  You are not a failure until you quit trying.”


            The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Trevor Wilson and Ian Glover from East Middle School.


            The public comment period was not held, with no one requesting to speak.


            Recognitions included:


            -Graduation Awareness Week

            -2008 WMHS Hunter Safety Team

2008 Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) Team National Shotgun  Champions

Austin Warner – 3rd place in muzzleloader, tied for 3rd in rifle, 10th place individual overall, team 7th place nationally

Levi Epps – Tied for 3rd place in shotgun, team 7th place nationally

Wesley Callicutt – Team 7th place nationally

Ethan Greene – Team 7th place nationally

            -ROTC Summer Leadership School Achievements

Cadet Col Kathy Lee - Outstanding Staff Cadre at the Pfeiffer University Cadet Officer Leadership School - WMHS

Cadet Lt Col Chris Villanueva - Commander, Honor Flight (Best flight award); Best upper class drill winner at the Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station Summer Leadership School - WMHS

Cadet MSgt Jessica Simpson - Best Sports Flight winner at the Pfeiffer University Cadet Officer Leadership School - WMHS

Cadet MSgt Samantha Jo Thompson - Best Freshman Drill winner at the Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station Summer Leadership School – WMHS

Cadet Staff Sergeant Cecilio Suarez - Member of Honor Flight (best flight) at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station Leadership School – EMHS

Cadet Staff Sergeant Bithia Rodriguez - Member of Honor Flight at Pfeiffer University Cadet Officer Leadership School – EMHS

Cadet Staff Sergeant Sara Osorio - Member of Top Athletics Flight at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station Leadership School - EMHS

Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Josh Edmonds - Member of Honor Flight at Pfeiffer University Cadet Officer Leadership School - EMHS


           Superintendent Donna Peters and Chairman DeBerry congratulated and presented banners to the following schools for the 2007-08 ABCs of Public Education Growth and Performance Status:

Candor Elementary, Donnie Lynthacum – High Growth

Page Street Elementary, Emilie Simeon – High Growth

Troy Elementary, Emilie Simeon – High Growth

Mount Gilead Elementary, Charles DelForge – High Growth

Star-Biscoe Elementary, Vance Thomas – High Growth

West Middle,  Wayne Talley – High Growth

East Middle, Vivacious Crews – Expected Growth

Montgomery Learning Academy, John Ward – Expected Growth


            Everyone present stood for a moment of silence as Chairman DeBerry presented the following Resolution of Esteem for Educational Personnel:


            -Kenneth Brian Cagle


            WHEREAS, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite love and wisdom, saw fit to call home Kenneth Brian Cagle on August 20, 2008, and


            WHEREAS, his services as a teacher assistant to the Educational System of Montgomery County were a living testimonial of his integrity and skill, and


            WHEREAS, his loss will be deeply felt, not only by those with whom he served, but also throughout his entire community and county.


            NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Montgomery County Board of Education goes on record in expressing a sense of real loss and regret in his passing; that a copy of this resolution be conveyed to his family as an indication of our deep sympathy; and that a copy of the same be filed as a part of the permanent minutes of the board of education.


Upon motion by Mrs. Long, and a second by Ms. Armstrong, the board unanimously approved the consent agenda as follows:


·         Board Minutes:  August 4, 2008, Regular Meeting and August 14, 2008, Special Called Meeting

·         Personnel and Auxiliary Reports by Dr. Lancaster as follows:







  1. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the

substitute teacher list:

Noncertified                                      Recommended By                Record Check


            1)  Jodi Goins                                      Wayne Talley                                 Yes

            2)  Susan Eggleston                           Vance Thomas                              Yes

            3)  Barbara R. Smith                           Donna Kennedy                             Pending

            4)  Russ Brown                                   David Cassady                              Yes

            5) Joan Garner                                    Vance Thomas                              Pending               


  1. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

Resignation/Retirement                  School/Assignment              Effective Date


1) Brittany Hinshaw                             Candor Elementary                 August 11, 2008

     Resignation                                    3rd Grade


  1. Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contracts for

      2007-2008 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:


Contract/                                    School/                            Record 

Effective Date                           Assignment                     Check            Replacing


1) Pebble Byrd                            Green Ridge                        Yes              Lucy Lloyd

    8/18/08 – 6/12/09                    2nd Grade

2) Nancy Williams                       Green Ridge                        Yes              Linda Kelly

    09/25/08 – 06/12/09               EC Self Contained

3) Laura Wolf                              Green Ridge                        Yes              Brenda Perry

     08/18/08 – 06/12/09               ESL

            4) Doug Jordan                           East Middle School             Yes              Laura Owens

                08/18/08 – 06/12/09                Music

            5) Tom Berriman                        West Montgomery High      Pending      Jason Callicutt

                08/20/08 – 06/12/09                Social Studies                    

            6) Amanda Harris                        East Middle School             Yes            Angie Tofflemeyer

                08/18/08 – 06/12/09                Language Arts

            7) Yana Stevenson                    MLA                                      Yes            New Position

                08/25/08 – 06/12/09               Science/Math

            8) Kristin N. Soulier                   West Montgomery High        Yes            William Tenborg


            9) Ambraye Timmons               Page Street Elementary       Pending     Kathleen Barrino  

                09/03/08 – 06/12/09             EC Teacher

          10) Jacob Martin                         MLA                                       Pending     New Position                          09/02/08 – 06/12/09            English Teacher    

  1. Report of following transfers:


Effective Date              From                                                    To                                Replacing

1) Darlene Chappell    East Middle School     East Montgomery High     New Position

    08/25/08                  Technology                Distance Learning


2) Pam Cameron        Troy Elementary         Page Street Elementary  Ruby Jenkins

    09/04/08                  Teacher Assistant               SIMS

An addendum was made with the following transfer.

a.      Report of the following transfer:


Effective Date                   From                           To                                Replacing


Kristi Buchman                EC                              NC Wise        New Position

                                          Data Entry                  Help Desk


·         Contract for Exceptional Children

·         Healthcare and Health Management Services Provider Agreement by and between First Health of the Carolinas, Inc. and Montgomery County Schools effective as of July 2008, to provide health care and health management services at the Montgomery County Based Health Centers Program

a.  Upon recommendation, approval of the following overnight school trips is


1)     September 18-21, 2008- East Montgomery High School AFJROTC

to Cherry Point, Ft. Macon, and Ocracoke Island


2)     September 18-21, 2008- West Montgomery High School AFJROTC

to Cherry Point, Ft. Macon, and Ocracoke Island.

b.  Upon recommendation, approval of the following student transfers is


     Montgomery County Schools to Davidson County Schools

            1) Curtis Scott Smith, Jr.

            2) Clint Jason Smith

    Montgomery County Schools to Asheboro City Schools

            1) Nujishilong Christopher Vang

    Montgomery County Schools to Moore County Schools

            1)  Ashley Hammett

    Moore County Schools to Montgomery County Schools

            1)  Harold E. Pratt, Jr.

            2)  Cameron C. Talbert

            3)  Connor G. Talbert


            Dr. Ginny Carpenter presented the 2007 – 2008 SAT results of graduating seniors.  SAT scores are useful in making decisions about individual students and assessing their academic preparation.  We will work to increase the number of students taking the SAT.  Students choose to take SATs and there are vouchers for students who cannot afford the cost.


            Dr. Ginny Carpenter introduced Vivacious Crews and David Lowe of East Middle School.  They presented their reading improvement initiatives.  Literacy and Curriculum Facilitator, Mr. David Lowe, identified that reading is the key to learning anything.  All assessments are reading tests to begin with.   The data tell us this through EOG scores, reading, math, and science.  There are remediation programs, writing for the future, and corrective reading when needed.  Mastery tests are given to determine where all students are in their reading progress.


            Montgomery County Board of Education Member, Ms. Almetta  Armstrong  presented information from the North Carolina School Board Association Legislative Update.  


            Kathy Johnson presented the 2008-2009 Montgomery County Schools Budget as it was shown from the Local Current Budget, and the Capital Outlay Budget.  The Local Current Budget is 8.23% increase from last year, and the Capital Outlay Budget is 9.70% increased over last year. With a motion from Mr. Blake, and a second from Mr. Spivey, the board unanimously approved the presented 2008-2009 budget.


            Kathy Johnson also presented the change in 403(b) regulations beginning in January, 2009 with the recommendation to appoint AIG Valic to be the 403(b) plan administrator and limit the plan to the most competitive plans available to our employees.  Mrs. Long made a motion, with a second from Ms. Armstrong, and the board unanimously approved the recommendation. 


            Dr. Kevin Lancaster presented the first reading of Professional Dress – Policy Code 7340. The policy will be presented to the board at the October meeting for action.   


            The following Policies and Regulations were presented for approval.  With a motion from Mrs. Reaves, and a second from Ms. Armstrong, the following policies were unanimously approved by the board.

·         Distribution and Display of Non-School Material – Policy Code 5210

·         Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace – Policy Code 7240

·         Compliance with State Board of Education Employment Policies – Policy Code 7505

·         Limited Claim Settlement – Policy Code 8341


            Dr. Lancaster presented the name changing of Star-Biscoe Elementary School to Star Elementary School.  Mr. Blake wanted to take more time to evaluate this recommendation.  With a motion from Mrs. Long, and a second from Mr. Spivey, the board unanimously agreed to postpone this decision until a later time.


            Dr. Lancaster presented the resolution recommended by the Facilities Committee that the normal procedures be used for applying for funds from the State Capital Building Fund for the West Montgomery High School Athletics Improvements for football lighting and the completion of the baseball facility.  The motion to approve was made by Mrs. Long, with a second by Mr. Blake, and with unanimous approval from the board.


            A Green Ridge Elementary Update was made by Bill Mingin.  Paving has started, and equipment has been moved into the cafeteria.  There is a generator as back up for emergency power for lighting.  Green Ridge was not designated in the building specifications to be an emergency shelter.  A date the board can go on tour is asked for.  The new date of completion for Green Ridge is moved to September 30.


            Green Ridge Elementary Change Order # 24 – Masonry screen walls to be built around large electrical units has been rejected with a motion by Mr. Spivey, and a second by Mrs. Threadgill, with unanimous decision by the board.  We will explore other options of achieving this.  One option is to have our brick mason class do it.  Buy material and have them do it.  Materials would be $4,500 verses the $27,000 cost. 


            Green Ridge Elementary Change Order # 25 – Additional fire alarm pull Stations and exit signs was met with some options.  One option being the amended price without the 10 day extension, or extend the contract date for 10 days for the cost of the fire alarm and exit.  This will be negotiated.  Mr. Spivey made a motion to approve, with a second from Mrs. Reaves, along with unanimous approval from the board.


            Upon motion by Ms. Armstrong, and a second by Mr. Blake, the board convened in

closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel [NC GENERAL STATUTE 143-318.11(a)(6)].


            Upon return to regular session, a motion was made by Mrs. Reaves, with a second by Mrs. Threadgill,  with unanimous approval from the board to extend Superintendent,  Dr. Donna Peters contract for an additional 2 years, expiring June 30, 2012. 


            Upon a motion by Mrs. Long, and a second by Mr. Spivey, the meeting was duly adjourned.  The next meeting will be on Monday, October 13, 2008.





                                                                                          Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman




                                                                                          Donna Cox Peters, Ph.D. Secretary