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August 3, 2009





August 3, 2009



            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 3, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. with board members present as follows:


                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                        James M. Spivey, Vice Chair

                        Almetta Armstrong

                        Tommy A. Blake

                        Ann S. Long

                        Frances H. Reaves

                        Shirley M. Threadgill


            Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and called for a motion to adopt the meeting agenda.  Upon a motion by Mrs. Long, and a second by Mrs. Reaves, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.


            The opening devotional thoughts by Chairman DeBerry were from Ezekiel 6:4, rearing children.  How much do children cost?  We don’t buy them, we grow them, through guidance, love, play, study and thought.  We must protect without smothering, treasure without hoarding them.  The future of the world depends on it. 


            The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Chairman DeBerry.   


            There were no recognitions this month.


With a motion from Chairman DeBerry, the board unanimously consented to delaying approval of the consent agenda until after the closed session.


Sue Hatley introduced Ben Grindstaff , who gave the  preliminary 2008-2009 ABC results report.  Two schools show high growth, Candor Elementary and East Montgomery High School.  Also schools of growth are Green Ridge Elementary, Mount Gilead Elementary, Montgomery Learning Academy, Page Street Elementary, Star Elementary and West Middle School.  Preliminary AYP results show that five schools met AYP, Candor Elementary, Green Ridge Elementary, Mount Gilead Elementary, Star Elementary, and East Middle School.  If only one goal is missed, those schools will not achieve their AYP.  Montgomery County Schools met 166 of 175 goals and 50% of our schools made AYP. 


Dr. Lancaster presented the following Policies and Regulations for approval, having waited the 30 day approval period.  With a motion from Mr. Spivey, along with a second from Mrs. Long, the following policies were unanimously approved by the board. 


o   Policy Code 2330 – Board Meeting Agenda

o   Policy Code 3100 – Curriculum Development

o   Policy Code 3115 – Curriculum and Instructional Guides

o   Policy Code 3120 – Lesson Planning

o   Policy Code 3130 – Grouping for Instruction

o   Policy Code 3135 – Homework

o   Policy Code 3210 – Parental Inspection and Objection to

Instructional Materials

o   Policy Code 3230 – Copyright Compliance


o   Policy Code 3400 – Evaluation of Student Progress

o   Policy Code 3430 – School Improvement Plan

o   Policy Code 3431 – Conflict Resolution

o   Policy Code 3440 – Recognizing Excellence

o   Policy Code 3450 – Class Rankings

o   Policy Code 3510 – Religious-Based Exemptions from School


o   Policy Code 3515 – Religion in the Schools

o   Policy Code 3610 – Counseling Program

o   Policy Code 4115 – Behavior Standards for Transfer Students

o   Policy Code 5026 –             Smoking and Tobacco Products


o   Policy Code 7100 – Recruitment and Selection of Personnel

o   Policy Code 7210 – Staff Involvement in Decision Making

o   Policy Code 7240 – Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace

o   Policy Code 7241 – Drug and Alcohol Testing of Commercial

Motor Vehicles

o   Policy Code 7262 – Communicable Diseases

o   Policy Code 7265 – Occupational Exposure to Hazardous

Chemicals in Science Laboratories

o   Policy Code 7300 – Staff Responsibilities

o   Policy Code 7405 – Extracurricular and Non-Instructional Duties

o   Policy Code 7425 – School Administrator Contracts

    • Policy Code 7440 –             Assignments/Reassignments/Transfers

o   Policy Code 7530 – Military Leave

o   Policy Code 7540 – Voluntary Shared Leave

o   Policy Code 7610 – Defense of Board Employees

o   Policy Code 7720 – Employee Political Activities

o   Policy Code 7730 – Employee Conflict of Interest

o   Policy Code 7815 – Evaluation of Non-Licensed Employees

o   Policy Code 7821 – Petition for Removal of Personnel Records

o   Policy Code 7900 – Resignation

o   Policy Code 7910 – Retirement

o   Policy Code 8310 – Annual Independent Audit


           Dr. Donna Peters spoke on the preparations for the 2009-2010 school year.  We have no new budget information at this time.  We are facing the same dollar amount at this time.  We have had to make decisions and estimates based on what we know to be or what we think will be.  Our cuts have been in the realm of retirements and nonperformers.  Vacancies have not been filled.  Class sizes have been held at our level. 


           A lot of planning is going on, on all levels for the new school year.  Administrative meetings are happening this week concerning use of technology.  We will be using Montgomery County Schools Vision and Mission to see those results.  Grounds and buildings are being readied for the students.  Students are coming soon and we will be ready. 


           Banners for the top performing schools were given out to be hung in the schools for their upcoming open houses.   


Mr. Blake made a motion to convene to closed session, along with a second from Ms. Armstrong, the board was all in favor and the meeting was convened to closed session.


Chairman DeBerry reconvened the meeting after the closed session. 


The consent agenda was approved with a motion from Mr. Spivey, along with a second from Mrs. Armstrong, and with the board in unanimous approval as follows:


·         Board minutes of the regular meeting held on June 29, 2009

·         Personnel and Auxiliary reports as follows:


a.    Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the

substitute teacher list:


Noncertified                                Recommended By                       Record Check


            1)  Geraldine Yates                      Brent McSwain                               Yes

            2)  Terry Harvel                           Vance Thomas                               Yes

            3)  Brittany Inkenbrandt               David Cassady                              Yes

            4)  Eleanor Wiles                          Donnie Lynthacum                                     Yes

            5)  Richard Grimes                      Trent Taylor                                    Yes

            6)  Patti Smith                              Emilie Simeon                                  Pending


b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignation/retirements:



            Resignations                             Assignment                                   Effective Date


            1)  Anissa Gillis                           Page Street Elementary                 August 11, 2009

                 Resignation                            Teacher Assistant  


            2)  Lesa Brock                                        West Montgomery High                  July 24, 2009

                 Retirement                             Math Teacher



c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for 2009-2010 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:


Contract/                                    School/                            Record 

Effective Date                            Assignment                    Check            Replacing


1) Laura Wolf                              Green Ridge Elem.             Yes              

    08/18/09                                  ESL Teacher


2) Felicia Chambers                   East Montgomery High       Yes     

    08/18/09                                  EC Teacher           


3) Quint Dunlap                           East Montgomery High       Yes

     08/18/09                                 Auto Tech Teacher


4) Laura Dawkins                        East Montgomery High       Yes

     08/19/09                                 Science Teacher


5) Susan Brooks Harter             School Nurse                       Pending      Wendy Vaughn



6)  Clayton Trivett                      East Montgomery High        Yes

      08/18/09                               PE Teacher



      d.  Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contracts: 


v  John “Matt” Kitchen, Assistant Principal, East Montgomery High School, annual

eleven-month term commencing August 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2010.


v  Joan Frye, Assistant Principal, East Middle School, annual eleven-month term

commencing August 4, 2009 and ending June 30, 2011.



  1. Report of following transfers:



Effective Date                 From                           To                          Replacing


1) Nichole Eckert             Star Elementary          East Middle           Jack Jordan  

    08/18/09                       Music                          Music        


2) David Lowe                  East Middle                 East Middle            Brian Muse

    08/18/09                       Curr. Facilitator           Social Studies


3) Thomas Berriman        West Montg. High       East Montg. High   Suzanne Luther

     08/18/09                      Social Studies             Social Studies


4) Susan Starnes             Page Street                 Candor Elem.         Rachel Wilson

    08/18/09                       Elem. Teacher            Elem. Teacher


5) Melissa Shields            Troy Elementary         Mt. Gilead Elem.    Carolyn Davis

    08/18/09                       Elem. Teacher            Elem. Teacher


6) Danielle Hurley            Troy Elementary         Star Elem.              Delbra Mabe

    08/18/09                       Elem. Teacher            Elem. Teacher


7) Teresa Curringa           West Middle School    MLA                       Crystal Mallory

    08/18/09                       English                         English


8) Sherry Warner             West Middle School    West Middle           Kristen Loucks

     08/18/09                      Literacy Coach            M.G. Lang. Arts


9) Lynn Golson                East Middle School     MLA                       Jacob Martin

    08/18/09                       Media Specialist           M.G. Lang. Arts


10)Matt Smith                  Green Ridge Elem.      East Middle           Dan Easley

    08/18/09                       ESL Coordinator          Spanish Teacher


11)Danny Parks               Maintenance                Maintenance         Jimmy Lamonds

     08/04/09                      Mech. Helper HVAC    Electrician


12)Maria Johnson            Mt. Gilead Elem.          MLA                      Diane Parsons

     08/04/09                      Teacher Assistant       Secretary-

                                                                                         NC Wise



     f.   Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendations for

          reemployment of teachers to receive career teacher status during 2009-2010

          as described by General Statue 115C-325:


          WestMontgomery High School                               WestMiddle School


          Dardanelle Wilson                                                         Holly Henn



    g.  Superintendent reports the following non-certified employees not returning:


         Clementine Harris

         Peggy Taylor

         Doris Hinson

         Jane Hancock

         Renee Blake

         Gwen Lamonds

         Cynthia Martin

         Ellen McAuley

         Sharon Moore

         Reginald Pratt

         Jolene Cagle                                          



·         Exceptional children’s contracts from Larry Jenkins



With a motion from Mrs. Long, and a second from Ms. Armstrong the meeting was duly adjourned.  The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 14, 2009.






                                                                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman






                                                                        Donna Cox Peters, Ph.D., Secretary






August 24, 2009



            The Montgomery County Board of Education met in a special called session on Monday, August 24, 2009, at 5:30 p.m. with the following board members present:


                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman

                        James Spivey, Vice Chairman

                        Tommy A. Blake

                        Ann S. Long

                        Shirley Threadgill

                        Almetta Armstrong


            Frances Reaves was absent. 


            Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order.  With a motion from Mr. Spivey, along with a second from Ms. Armstrong, the board unanimously adopted the agenda.


            Bill Mingin presented a resolution for the application for Public School Capital Building Funds for the West Montgomery High School baseball field.  This includes funding for the completion of the site improvements to the existing baseball field.  With a motion from Mrs. Long, and a second from Ms. Armstrong, the board unanimously voted in favor of the application.


            Mr. Mingin then presented resolution number two, the approval of phases three and four of the Timmons Group letter of agreement.  These phases include construction document preparation, permitting support, and construction administration services.  Ms. Armstrong made a motion to approve phases three and four, with a second from Mrs. Threadgill, with the board all in favor.


            With a motion from Mr. Blake, and a second from Mrs. Long, the meeting was duly adjourned by Chairman Deberry to meet again on Monday, September 14, 2009, 6:30 p.m. 2009.





                                                                  Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman





                                                                  Donna Cox Peters, Ph.D., Secretary