December 9, 2013
December 9. 2013
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 4, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. Board members were present as follows:
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Jesse Hill
Ann Long
Sandra Miller
Shirley Threadgill
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.
Chairman DeBerry opened with a poem titled, “Be Thankful” and asked us to be thankful for our troubles, because often they become our blessings. The poem is as follows:
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know everything for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary because it means you've made a difference.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Page Street Elementary students Austin Hill and Ashton Russell.
Max Garner conducted the election of Montgomery County Board of Education Officers
for the year ending December, 2014. Steve DeBerry was nominated Chairman once again, with Ann Long making the motion and Sandra Miller seconding. The nomination for vice chair went to Tommy Blake with Ann Long making the motion and Bryan Dozier seconding. Both nominations passed unanimously.
Superintendent Ellis and Teresa Dunn, Principal at Star Elementary presented Star United Methodist Church with a Community Partnership award. Star Methodist members assist students by supporting the school with donations of time, talent and money. Star United Methodist pastor Kay Boone accepted on behalf of the congregation.
Superintendent Ellis and Beth Lancaster, Principal at Mt. Gilead Elementary, presented Vickie Panzer with a certificate for completing the recertification process for her National Boards. Mrs. Lancaster said she was “very blessed to have her on the staff at Mt. Gilead Elementary”.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved. Sandra Miller made the motion with Jesse Hill seconding. With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:
1. Board Minutes from the November 6th meeting;
2. Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:
a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the
substitute teacher list:
Certified Recommended By Record Check
1) Kim Ellis Anne McLean Pending
Non-Certified Recommended By Record Check
1) Joshua Edmonds Heather Seawell Pending
2) Wayne Adams Della Ingram Pending
b. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:
Resignation/Retirement School/Assignment Effective Date
1) Jessica Wincklhofer East Montgomery High October 31, 2013
Resignation Cafeteria Worker
2) Julia Adams East Middle School December 31, 2013
Retirement 7th Grade Social Studies
3) Sharon Wade Star Elementary School February 1, 2014
Retirement EC Teacher (Revised date)
4) Herbert Sisk Jr. West Montgomery High December 2, 2013
Resignation Spanish Teacher
5) Angela Leak West Middle School January 10, 2014
Resignation Teacher Assistant
c. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:
Employee/ School/ Record
Effective Date Assignment Check Replacing
1) Lori Little County Office Yes
11/18/13 Cafeteria Sub
2) Rachel Haywood County Office Yes
11/19/2013 Cafeteria Sub
3) Tina Jackson Green Ridge Elementary Yes New position
12/02/2013 Part-time ESL Asst.
4) Christy Shepherd Star Elementary Yes New Position
12/09/2013 Part-time ESL Asst.
d. Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contract:
· Angela Sorenson, Interim Asst. Principal, West Middle School, annual eleven-month term, commencing December 2, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014.
e. Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the winter 2013 sports season:
East Montgomery High School
Coach Sport
Meredith Johnson Trainer
Linda Baldwin Women’s Basketball
Sarah Talbert Wrestling
Crystal Mabe Wrestling
Angie Collett Asst. Softball - Spring
West Middle School
Coach Sport
Frances Turner Basketball
Page Street Elementary Principal Anne McLean discussed the Adopt a Class program. With budget cuts, a teaching position was lost at Page Street. This left one “specials” class (art, PE and music) short, meaning one day a week, a teacher would loose their planning time. So, using certified specials teachers, every Monday, the students focus on skills they need to increase their EOG score, such as language arts and geometry. By the end of the year, each student will have cycled through every extra class. Mrs. McLean says she is looking forward to the end of the year to see the changes in EOG scores.
Mrs. McLean also spoke about the Single Gender Classrooms at Page Street. Page Street Elementary is the only Montgomery County school with same gender classes. Data from EOG scores and comments from parents have all been positive.
Jeff James and Takeda LeGrand presented a powerpoint on 2012-13 test results, analysis and implications. Discussed were EOG and EOC test result comparisons, Graduates Ready results and regional comparisons between MCS and other counties in the area. The analysis concluded that MCS met the attendance rate, the cohort graduation rate, the math course rigor rate, 52 of 66 Federal targets and 107 of 138 State targets. Four schools met expected growth: Green Ridge, Mt. Gilead, East Middle and East High.
Deidra Steed and Phillip Brown discussed the K-5 and 6-12 Literacy and Math improvements to close the gap. K-5 Literacy improvements include: Letterland program for K-1, Academic Vocabulary, Reading Foundations, Read to Achieve beginning in January, Early Literacy training at the schools with DPI, Literacy Nights, Lesson/Unit Planning and 3rd Grade PLC. For K-5 Math, improvements include: Instructional Expectations Block, ASU Melt, establish Math goal teams and MSP Grant. For 6-12 Literacy: Read 180 and Fusion, Differentation and Literacy Training, Scholastic reading inventory, Academic Vocabulary, Reading Foundations, monthly Literacy Goal Team meetings, Literacy Nights and Lesson/Unit planning. K-12 Math: Math success plan, instructional expectations defined and focused on 8 mathematical practices, implementation of CCSS in higher level math courses, development of instructional guides and predictive benchmark assessments, monthly math goal team meetings and a MSP grant. Everyone is encouraged to visit the MCS webpage to review the information and see what’s being done with all the data and how it’s being used.
Superintendent Ellis presented two dates to the Board as Mid Year Review dates. The two choices are February 13th and February 20th. Both dates are on Thursday. The Board asked to go back and look at their schedules. The Board will be polled at the end of the week and the press will be notified when a date is determined.
The following policies were presented by Kevin Lancaster at the December board meeting to be studied for approval at tonight’s meeting. These include: Policy Code-1310/4002 Parental Involvement; 1510/4200/7270-School Safety; 1710/4201/7230-Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying; 3100-Curriculum Development; 3102-Online Instruction; 3110- Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction; 3405-Students at Risk of Academic Failure; 3410-Testing and Assessment Program; 3430-School Improvement Plan; 3460-Graduation Requirements; 3540-Comprehensive Health Education Program; 3640/5130-Student Voter Registration; 4120-Domicile or Residency Requirements; 4270/6145-Concussion and Head Injury; 4342-Student Searches; 4700-Student Records; 5000-Schools and the Community; 5022-Registered Sex Offenders; 5027/7275-Weapons and Explosives Prohibited; 5029/6130/7267-Automated External Defibrillator; 5070-Public Records; 5120-Relationship with Law Enforcement; 6220-Operation of Student Food Services; 6430-State Puchasing Requirements for Equipment, Materials and Supplies; 7100-Recruitment and Selection of Personnel; 7240-Drug Free and Alcohol Free Workplace; 7410-(Delete) Career Status; 7510-Leave; 7810-Evaluation of Licensed Employees; 7950-Probationary Teachers: Non-Renewal; 9000 Planning to Address Facility Needs; 9020-Facillity Design; 9110-Selection and Use of Architects and 9120-Bidding for Construction Work. Ann Long made the motion to approve the policies as listed, with Sandra Miller seconding. The motion passed with unanimous approval from the board.
In closing remarks, Dr. Ellis applauded the curriculum department for their hard work, assuring families that MCS and the faculity and staff are doing everything possible for their children.
With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Tommy Blake, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.
After the closed session, Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Shirley Threadgill, the meeting was duly adjourned.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 6, 2013.
Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman
Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary