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November 4, 2013




                                                                          November 4, 2013


           The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 4, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. Board members were present as follows:


                       Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                       Tommy Blake, Vice Chair

           Bryan Dozier

           Jesse Hill

            Ann Long

                       Sandra Miller

                       Shirley Threadgill


           Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Bryan Dozier, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board. 


            Chairman DeBerry opened with a devotional. Horace Mann grew up in an environment ruled by poverty and hardship. He was taught briefly by poor teachers, but managed to educate himself in the town library. Due to this upbringing, Mann was influential in the development of teacher training schools. He knew that the quality of rural schools had to be raised and that teaching was the key to that improvement. He also argued forcefully for the recruitment of women into teacher positions. These ideas were all part of Horace Mann’s driving determination to create a system of effective, universal education in the United States. In 1837, Mann used his position as Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education and started the Common School Movement, ensuring that every child could receive a basic education funded by local taxes. Mann was major contributor to education reform.   


              The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by West Montgomery High School Beta Club students Michaela Stovall, Chae Cole, Zachary Hunt and Kenzie Smith. They were joined by West Middle School students Noah Maness, Will Haywood and LeeAnna Kinley. 

With no one signing up to address the board, the meeting proceeded with a Resolution of Esteem for Betty Thornburg Brown. The resolution was presented to her family as follows:


 WHEREAS, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite love and wisdom, saw fit to call home Betty Thornburg Brown on September 17, 2013 and

 WHEREAS,her services as a teacher’s assistant with Montgomery County Schools were a living testimonial of her integrity and skill, and

 WHEREAS,her loss will be deeply felt, not only by those with whom she served, but also throughout her entire community and county.

 NOW, THEREFORE,be it resolved that the Montgomery County Board of Education goes on record in expressing a sense of real loss and regret in her passing; that a copy of this resolution be conveyed to her family as an indication of our deep sympathy; and that a copy of the same be filed as a part of the permanent minutes of the Board of Education.


            Superintendent Ellis proudly presented Ben Creger a certificate for his scores on the Advance Placement tests. To earn this honor, students must score a three or higher on three or more Advanced Placement Exams. Ben is a 2013 West Montgomery High School graduate and current freshman at UNC Chapel Hill. Ben’s mother, Kim, accepted the award in his absence. 


            Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved. Tommy Blake made the motion with Jesse Hill seconding. With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:


1.   Board Minutes from the October 7th meeting;

2.   Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:


              a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the

   substitute teacher list:


          Certified                               Recommended By               Record Check

1)   Beverly Saunders                           John Beard                                Yes

2)   Charlie Rembert                            Donna Kennedy                       Pending

3)   Bernie Hall                                      Beth Lancaster                          Yes



4)   Hunter Lancaster                            Anne McLean                           Pending

5)   Taylor Parsons                                Tim Addis                                Pending


b.   Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:


Resignation/Retirement                       School/Assignment                         Effective Date

1)   Melissa Ingram                                   East Montgomery High                            10/18/2013   
               Resignation                                     Communities in Schools
                                                                             Site Coordinator

        2)   Chris Kingston                                       East Middle School                             11/29/2013
                 Resignation                                         PE/Health Teacher


     c.   Report of the following transfers:


Effective Date                         From                                    To                                       Replacing

 1)   Josephine Greene               Cafeteria Sub               West Montgomery                Tammy Simmons        
            10/01/13                                                               Cafeteria part time

 2)   Karen Dozier                        Central Office                Elementary Level     

            8/20/2013                      Pre-K Coordinator      Student Support Liaison


     d.   Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contracts for 2013-2014 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:

Contract/                              School/                                 Record     
      Effective Date                        Assignment                             Check                       Replacing

1)  Tamara Childs                     West Middle/WMHS/                       Yes                         Shana West     
            10/14/13                             Mt. Gilead 

2)   Michelle Fisher                    Mt. Gilead Elementary                     Yes                        New Position      
          11/04/2013                          3rdGrade

3)    Linda Steck                       Page Street Elementary                   Yes                        Laura Chustek

   10/28/13 – 12/18/13            Interim Guidance Counselor

4)   Phyllis Bowman                   West Middle School                        Yes                          Chris Blake              
           11/17/13                           EC Self Contained


 e.   Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:


 Employee/                         School/                              Record
Effective Date                   Assignment                       Check                    Replacing

 1)   Michael Dawkins              Green Ridge Elem.                  Yes                     Billy Ridgeway

           10/23/2013                   Part-time Custodian


 2)    Angeline Freeman               County Office                       Yes                      

            10/29/2013                       Cafeteria Sub


f.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for leave of absence of the following personnel:


·Angie Tofflemeyer, West Middle School, requesting a leave of absence from December 2, 2013 until June 16, 2014.


g.   Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the winter 2013 sports season:

East Montgomery High School

Coach                              Sport

Cindy Martin                    Cheerleading

Erie Greene                     Boys Basketball

Mike Stancil                     Girls Basketball

Linda Baldwin                   Girls Basketball

Chris Hadlock                  Boys Swimming

Jill Blake                           Girls Swimming 1/2

Terry Appen                     Girls Swimming ½

Phil Collett                        Wrestling/Weight Room

Mike Maness                    Wrestling

Terence Leak                   Basketball

West Montgomery High School

Coach                              Sport

Kevin King                        Basketball-Boys

Jamie Smith                     Basketball-Boys

Derrick Drake                  Basketball-Boys

Henry Panzer                   Basketball-Girls

Stefanie Panzer               Basketball-Girls

Tanisha Bowden              Basketball-Girls

Jerimy Rinker                  Wrestling

Rikki Baldwin                   Cheerleading


West Middle School

Coach                              Sport

Jessica Grooms               Basketball –Girls

Ashley Turner                   Basketball- Girls

Sean Thompson              Basketball –Boys

Ben Grindstaff                  Basketball-Boys

Jerimy Rinker                  Wrestling

Daniel Jones                    Wrestling

Caitlyn Batten                  Cheerleading


East Middle School

Coach                              Sport

Chris Kingston                  Basketball-Boys

Josh Frye                          Basketball-Boys

Kesha Collins                    Basketball-Girls

Lauren Peter                     Basketball-Girls

Barbara Streeter               Cheerleading

Xavier Dunlap                    Basketball


h.   Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment

of the following bus driver/sub drivers for the 2013-2014 school year that are not dual employees:

                                     Phillip Cagle         Shykendra Steele



3.    Montgomery County Learning Academy Alternative Local Option Plan;

4.   SRM Incorporated – Roof Improvement for Candor Elementary;


          Phillip Brown presented a PowerPoint on American College Testing, or ACT results. The test is a college readiness exam taken by all high school juniors. The presentation compares our scores with other counties in our area having the same demographics, EVVAS predictions and regional comparisons. The data shows Montgomery County Schools improving and making strides, but not at the top. The results narrow down which sub groups need targeting. School improvement teams are researching ways to improve and sustain scores. High perfoming schools will be examined closely to see why they are high performing and what skills we can adopt for our students.


          Linda Annundson, West Montgomery High Beta Club sponsor and Beta Club members Michaela Stovall, Chae Cole, Zachary Hunt and Kenzie Smith presented a slide show celebrating the Sports for All program. “Sports for All” is an annual event for exeptional children started by Elizabeth Harvell as her senior project. The event is a take on the Special Olympics. Students competed in different sporting events, depending upon their age and ability. Awards were presented to each athlete, with no one leaving without recognition. A dance party was held after the event for all attendees. Beta Club members explained how the EC students touched their hearts saying, “the looks on their faces told it all; they were so excited”. The Beta Club thanked their community sponsors for their support. They included: Jordan Lumber Company, Robert Jordan and Dominos Pizza. They also wanted to recognize West Montgomery faculty and staff, OCS, Band, the PE department, JROTC, HOSA, the EC Department, the Journalism department and parents for working together to make the Sports for All program a great event.


            West Middle School teacher, Cynthia Ziccarelli spoke about data notebooks and why they are important to students. Data notebooks are kept at school and are a bridge between parents and teachers. The notebook lists assignments, grades and helps students know what they need to work on for end of grade tests. Mrs. Ziccarelli introduced her students, Noah Maness, Will Haywood and Lee Anna Kinley. Noah Maness said the notebook was helpful, because it kept track of all his assignments and papers, which means “no more zeros”. The notebook stays in the classroom the majority of the time, but can go home if parents wish. 


             Dale Smith with Anderson, Smith and Wike presented the Financial Audit Report. The firm found there were no unusual entries and the books and transactions were in good order, as well as the fund balance and School Food Service funds. There were no internal control issues.


               Dr. Jeff James introduced Kenston Griffin, CEO of Dream Builders. Dream Builders works with school systems to increase test scores by building relationships. Mr. Griffin reported that in 15 out of 36 schools, Dream Builders increased test scores by 35% in 5 years. The keys to success are to get parents involved, have high expectations of educators and recruiting retiring teachers as mentors and volunteers. Dream Builders works with everyone in the school, “from the Principal to the Custodians, down to the parents”. Teachers should make phone calls to parents “just because”; not waiting until there is a problem with their child. They need to feel important and included in their child’s education. Superintendent Ellis expressed one of the counties main concerns is parental engagement, stating that he is proud to partner with Mr. Griffin and Dream Builders. With the progress at the elementary school level, the long term goal would be to carry the program through middle and high school. Grants will be implemented to pay for the program, as not to deplete school funds.        


              The following policies were presented by Dr. Kevin Lancaster for study to be approved at the December board meeting. These include: Policy Code-1310/4002 Parental Involvement; 1510/4200/7270-School Safety; 1710/4201/7230-Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying; 3100-Curriculum Development; 3102-Online Instruction; 3110- Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction; 3405-Students at Risk of Academic Failure; 3410-Testing and Assessment Program; 3430-School Improvement Plan; 3460-Graduation Requirements; 3540-Comprehensive Health Education Program; 3640/5130-Student Voter Registration; 4120-Domicile or Residency Requirements; 4270/6145-Concussion and Head Injury; 4342-Student Searches; 4700-Student Records; 5000-Schools and the Community; 5022-Registered Sex Offenders; 5027/7275-Weapons and Explosives Prohibited; 5029/6130/7267-Automated External Defibrillator; 5070-Public Records; 5120-Relationship with Law Enforcement; 6220-Operation of Student Food Services; 6430-State Puchasing Requirements for Equipment, Materials and Supplies; 7100-Recruitment and Selection of Personnel; 7240-Drug Free and Alcohol Free Workplace; 7410-(Delete) Career Status; 7510-Leave; 7810-Evaluation of Licensed Employees; 7950-Probationary Teachers: Non-Renewal; 9000 Planning to Address Facility Needs; 9020-Facillity Design; 9110-Selection and Use of Architects and 9120-Bidding for Construction Work. 


             In closing remarks, Dr. Ellis discussed the NCAE walk out and praised teachers for their sacrifices and putting students first. Dr. Ellis said, “I am very proud of our teachers and what they are doing”. Also recognized was Mrs. Lee Waln, President of Montgomery County Schools NCAE, for attending the board meeting.   


            With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Sandra Miller, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.


           After the closed session, Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Shirley Threadgill, the meeting was duly adjourned.


             The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, December 9, 2013.




                                                                     Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman


                                                                     Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary