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April 7, 2014




April 7, 2014


            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were as follows:


                        Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                        Tommy Blake, Vice Chair

Bryan Dozier

Shirley Threadgill

Jesse Hill

Ann Long

Sandra Miller


            Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown.  With a motion by Sandra Miller and a second from Ann Long, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board. 


            Chairman DeBerry opened with a devotional about character.  John Ehrlichman was jailed for two years after the Watergate coverup.  After being released, his self-esteem suffered.  He wondered if anyone thought he was worth anything.  For many years he had been able to sweep most of his shortcomings under the rug and not face them, but during the criminal trial, he spent his days listening to prosecutors tell the jury what a bad fellow he was.  At night, he would go back to the hotel room and sit alone thinking about what was happening to him.  During that time, he read the Bible, walked on the beach, sat in front of the fireplace thinking and sketching with no agenda.  He had no idea where this was leading or what answers he would find.  He slowly began to see himself in a different light; he began to care about his integrity, his capacity to love and be loved and his essential worth.  John Ehrlichman hasn’t been in touch with Richard Nixon since the Watergate scandal, because “no one likes to be reminded of bad times”, but says he’s grateful for those episodes in his life; “I had to see all of that and grow to understand it in order to arrive at the place where I find myself now.”    


           Star Elementary students, Hannah Myrick and Lilly Patterson, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Jennah King, fifth grade teacher and Rebecca Ridgeway, school secretary, were presented Montgomery County Schools Certified and Classified Employee of the Month.  Both are from Green Ridge Elementary.  Principal Donna Kennedy said, “Jennah is 21st century teaching at its best; she is totally hands-on and uses every resource available to her.  Rebecca is interupted 20 times a day, and I know, because half of those are by me!  I’m very proud to have her as the go to person in the office”.      


           Christopher Smith, a junior at East Montgomery High School, was invited to attend the Governor’s School for Natural Sciences.  Deidra Steed introduced Chris as an Eagle Scout and a student with a wonderful academic record.   Chris was presented a certificate by the board.


Superintendent Ellis welcomed Chrissy Haynes and the members of Youth Leadership Montgomery.  Members include Hunter Nelson, Hollie Ritter, Janeth Gloria, Johnathan Miller, Ruby Perez, Corrin Wall, Elvin Bounphengsy, Amber Britt, Hannah Butler, Jayde Chisholm, Katie Elkins, Zachary Hunt, India Jordan, Anna Kennedy, Allie Morgan, Suave Pegues, Mikayla Strong and Dylan Woody.    


Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved.  Sandra Miller made the motion with Ann Long seconding.  With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:


1.    Minutes from the Budget Meeting, Regular Board Meeting and Mid Year Review.  All meetings took place on March 8th.

2.    Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:


a.  Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the

     substitute teacher list:


      Certified                           Recommended By                Record Check

1)    Todd McGuire              Tim Addis                                     Yes

2)    Manya Dunn                Angela Sorenson                      Pending


      Non-Certified                   Recommended By                Record Check

1)    Vickie Echols               Donna Kennedy                            Yes

2)    Jemore’ McDowell       Heather Seawell                           Yes

3)    Nathan McCallum        Ellen Jones                                   Yes



b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:


Resignation/Retirement                        School/Assignment                          Effective Date

1)    Christine Stackhouse                      West Montgomery High School              June 16, 2014

Retirement                                                 EC Teacher


2)    Tim Morris                                         West Montgomery High School              April 1, 2014

Retirement                                          Auto Technology Teacher


3)    Todd McGuire                                    West Montgomery High School             March 19, 2014

Resignation                                                Spanish Teacher


4)    Mike Slingerland                                            Central Office                               April 2, 2014

Resignation                                              Physical Therapist


5)    Mary Gilman                                       East Montgomery High School                July 1, 2014

Retirement                                            Social Studies Teacher


6)    Cody Tucker                                             West Middle School                         April 18, 2014

Resignation                                     West Montgomery High School

                                                                   Band Instructor


c.    Report of the following transfer:



Effective Date                      From                                To                                Replacing

 1)    Margaret Miller                 Green Ridge Elem.            Central Office                     Art Smith

       04/01/2014                       Mastery Teacher           Compliance Coord.


d.    Superintendent reports termination of employee:

 Employee                              School Assignment                                       Effective Date

1)    Stewart Browne                  West Montgomery High School                         February 21, 2014

         Science Teacher


e.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contract for 2013-2014 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:


       Contract/                             School/                                    Record     

       Effective Date                     Assignment                            Check                Replacing

 1)    Alex Lemons                           West Middle/                            Yes                   Cody Tucker

         03/21/2014                     West Montgomery High

                                                    Band Instructor


2)    John Wiggins             West Montgomery High                  Yes                    Tim Morris

04/28/2014                  Auto Tech Instructor


 f.     Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:


 Employee/                           School/                              Record

        Effective Date                     Assignment                       Check                    Replacing

1)    Emma Robinson             Central Office                         Yes                   Angeline Freeman

03/17/2014                      Cafeteria Sub


2)    James Poole                 East Middle School                   Yes                       Vivian Harris

 04/07/2014                  Part-time Custodian    


g.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutors:

1)     Chrystal Mabe – Star Elementary School

2)     Pat Harrison – Mt. Gilead Elementary School

3)     Carolyn Johnson – Star Elementary School

4)     Denise Greene – Star Elementary School

5)     Ava Pipkin – Candor Elementary School

6)     Texie Thomas – Candor Elementary School

7)     Jean Ann Haywood – Mt. Gilead Elementary School

8)     Cynthia Holt – Page Street Elementary School

9)     Molly Abbott – Green Ridge Elementary School

10)  Sharon Thompson – Mt. Gilead Elementary School

11)  Trudy East – Green Ridge Elementary School

12)  Brenda Reza Merida – Candor Elementary School



h.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the spring 2014 sports season:

                                     West Montgomery High School

                                     Coach                              Sport

                                Kevin Lamonds                     Softball


                                      East Montgomery High School

                                      Coach                             Sport

                                 Mollie Williams                     Soccer

                                       Kelly Lamonds                     Tennis

                                       Michelle Wendell                  Track


i.      Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contracts:


·         Heather Seawell, Principal, East Montgomery High School, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Donna Kennedy, Principal, Green Ridge Elementary School, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Teresa Dunn, Principal, Star Elementary School, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Della Ingram, Principal, East Middle School, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Philip Vassallo, Assistant Principal, East Middle School, annual eleven-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Angela Sorenson, Assistant Principal, West Middle School, annual eleven-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2016.


·         Tim Addis, Assistant Principal, East Montgomery High School, annual eleven-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Deidra Steed, Director of Elementary Education, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Rodney Neal, Director of Technology, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.


·         Sharon Castelli, Principal, Page Street Elementary School, annual twelve-month term commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2016.


j.      Upon recommendation, acceptance of resignation from administrator contract:

       ·         Ben Grindstaff, resignation from position of Accountability Director effective June 30. 2014.


Upon recommendation approval of the following overnight school trips is requested.

             April 9-11, 2014 –  EMHS and WMHS Skills USA to Skills USA State Convention, Greensboro, NC

Upon recommendation approval of the following student tranfers is requested.

Montgomery County Schools to Asheboro City Schools

Ashleigh Kate Chriscoe                   Samuel Leeland Elkins, IV

Paige Louise Kern                           Aden Blake Ward

Montgomery County Schools to Moore County Schools

Raegan Elizabeth Deaton               Kalon Kenntre Green

Jacob Hayle Vuncannon                 Rachel Lynne Vuncannon


Montgomery County Schools to Randolph County Schools

 Skylee Mae Smith


Montgomery County Schools to Stanly County Schools

Alyssa Prior                                      Reghan Taylor Suhr


3.    Budget Amendments 6, 7, 8 & 9 as follows:


          Star Elementary Counselor, Laura White and Principal Teresa Dunn, presented a powerpoint on Rachel’s Challenge.  According to the website, Rachel's Challenge is a national non-profit organization, dedicated to creating safe, connected school environments where learning and teaching are maximized. Based on the life and writing of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine tragedy in 1999, Rachel's Challenge provides a continual improvement process for schools designed to awaken the learner in every child. The program motivates and equips students to start and sustain a chain reaction of kindness and compassion that transforms schools and communities.  Ms. White said the program started at Star, because of an overabundance of office referrals with respect issues.  After the program began, referrals decreased.  It has been a positive change for students and staff.  When  students and faculty display an act of kindness and compassion, the persons name and what they did are listed on a piece of paper.  The paper is then linked together to form a chain.  The school goal is to have a chain long enough to reach from the school to StarWorks, which is almost a mile away.


        Deidra Steed presented an update on Read to Achieve which included a proposal that iReady be added as another avenue for students to be successful.  According to recent data, 52% of third graders are proficient.  iReady helps teachers with diagnostics and assesses all twelve standards required by the state.  If a student passes the EOG, they are promoted; if a student struggles with the EOG and doesn’t have a passing score, they can pass iReady or Portfolio and they are promoted and considered “proficient”.  If a student does not pass the EOG, iReady or Portfolio, they must attend summer school or be retained. The summer session locations are Page Street and Green Ridge Elementary four days a week from 8 am to 12 pm.  Breakfast and lunch will be served.  Principals were asked to compile a list of teachers who may be interested in teaching during the summer and money has been set aside to pay for them.  Ms. Steed commended teachers for the great job they are doing for students.  Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the iReady proposal.  Bryan Dozier made the motion with Ann Long seconding.The motion passed with unanimous approval from the board.


          Next on the agenda, Dr. Ellis asked for approval of the Parental Involvement Policy Change, Code 1310/4004 that was presented at the March board meeting.  Sandra Miller made the motion to approve with Tommy Blake seconding.              


          Superintendent Ellis discussed attending the Legislative Brunch with leaders in the county.  There has been several issues effecting teacher morale passing through the state legislature such as the 25% process, no extra pay for masters degrees and scores down due to Common Core.  When asked, legislators responded that some of the proposals went through legislation very fast.  Though it seems we are knocked down at every turn, Montgomery County Schools takes what its given and improves over time.  The drop out rate is down from 3.23% to 2.21% and the budget is more in line due to County Commissioners helping to solidify funding.  Both of these mean we are more successful, but we, as a school, need help now more than ever.  Dr. Ellis thanked everyone:  the Board, Community Partners and parents. It takes a community to support students and Montgomery County does a great job.           


            Bryan Dozier asked to speak to the Board.  He was concerned because a request for salary information from the State School Boards Association had been denied.  All county school board information is public knowledge.  Mr. Dozier asked Max Garner, Board Attorney, to look into the request.  Mr. Garner stated that the State has an exemption and does not have to disclose that information.  Mr. Dozier said, “America is the greatest country in the world, but not in the top 25 when it comes to education.  Something needs to change”.  He commended Dr. Ellis on the changes he has made for Montgomery County.         


           Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn.  With a motion from Tommy Blake, along with a second from Ann Long, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.


           During closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to amend the Personnel Report as submitted and add to the consent agenda Sharon Castelli as the principal at Page Street.  Sandra Miller and Ann Long made and seconded the motion.  A motion by Tommy Blake and a second by Bryan Dozier approved the consent agenda. 


           After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn.  With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Sandra Miller, the meeting was duly ajourned.  


The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, May 5, 2014.



                                                                      Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman



                                                                       Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary