August 19, 2014
AUGUST 19, 2014
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its midyear review session on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at 5:30 p.m.with the following members present:
Steven S. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Jesse Hill
Ann S. Long
Sandra Miller
Shirley M. Threadgill
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to accept the agenda as presented. With a motion from Ann Long, along with a second from Sandra Miller, the board unanimously approved the agenda.
Superintendent Ellis welcomed everyone. At this meeting, we will be looking at performance data and how it is aligned to the Strategic Plan. Dr. Ellis announced that 2013-2014 will be the final year in this strategic planning cycle, stating that the goal is for continuous improvement, noting that we have much to be proud of in all areas. Our Vision, Mission and Core Values will not change. He then turned over the Globally Competitive Students portion of the meeting to Dr. Jeff James.
Dr. James gave a review of Globally Competitive Students which encompasses strengths and weaknesses of the graduation rate, AMO, ABC Expected Growth and the most recent assessment data.
Kevin Lancaster gave an update of 21st Century Professionals/Healthy & Responsible which includes the goals for Ethical Violations, teacher retention, OSS suspension rate and attendance rate. The board discussed requiring all staff to review the ethical video during the first two weeks of school to cut down on ethical violations.
Takeda Legrand updated the group on the Teen Pregnancy Rate, which includes strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.
Dr. Ellis discussed the Leadership Guides Innovation portion covering MCS Community and Parent Contact goals.
Kathy Johnson reviewed 21st Century Systems, which includes audit-finding goals, maintaining an adequate fund balance and adequate facilities. The finance department has had no audit findings for many years, have good accounting controls in place and have received numerous financial rewards.
Superintendent Ellis ended looking forward to the process of development of Strategic Plan 2017. Some of the proposed goals include increasing the graduation rate, decreasing the achievement gap, increasing the teacher attendance rate and reducing the number of ethical violations to zero.
Before closing Dr. Ellis asked the board to approve a revised tolling agreement for Green Ridge Elementary, which extends the roof contract for six months. After discussion, Tommy Blake made the motion to approve the extension, while Sandra Miller seconded the motion. There was no board opposition.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Tommy Blake, along with a second from Shirley Threadgill, along with unanimous approval from the board, the meeting was adjourned.