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December 8, 2014



December 8, 2014


            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, December 8, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were as follows:

                         Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                        Tommy Blake, Vice Chair

Bryan Dozier

Shirley Threadgill

Jesse Hill

Ann Long

Sandra Miller

             Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown.  With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Jesse Hill, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.

           Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a reading of “A Christmas Prayer”. Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given to all who work for a world of reason and understanding. That the good that lies in every man’s heart may, day by day, be magnified. That men will come to see more clearly not that which divides them, but that which unites them. That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory, not of nation over nation, but of man over his own evils and weaknesses. That the true spirit of this Christmas Season – its joy, its beauty, its hope and above all, its abiding faith – may live among us. That the blessings of peace be ours – the peace to build and grow, to live in harmony and sympathy with others, and to plan for the future with confidence.

           Tyliyah Horton, Elizabeth Pirtle and Erica Shank, students from Page Street Elementary, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

            John Deaton, Montgomery County Clerk of Court, administered the Oath of Office to Bryan Dozier, Sandra Miller, Tommy Blake and Jesse Hill. The board unanimously voted Steve DeBerry to retain his position as Chairman and Tommy Blake to continue as Vice Chair.            

            Dr. Ellis and Benjie Brown, principal at West Montgomery High School, presented Jessica King and LeighAnne Lamonds certificates for Classified and Certified employees of the month. Mr. Brown said, “Jessica is the bookkeeper at the school. She is a great person and keeps the school running. LeighAnne is dedicated to the school, to her students and their families. She has been involved in the school system for twenty-nine years. I’m proud of both of these ladies and what they have accomplished.” Dr. Ellis commended Ms. King and Mrs. Lamonds on a job well done.

         Superintendent Ellis and Donnie Lynthacum, Candor Elementary Principal awarded certificates to Teresa Thomas and Gina Blake. The pair won a Bright Ideas grant from Pee Dee Electric. Mr. Lynthacum called the teachers “grant gurus” and said Ms. Thomas has received a grant for the past eleven years. 

           Dr. Ellis, along with East Montgomery High School Assistant Principal Tim Addis, congratulated Michelle Williams-Gonzalez and Mark Miller on their recent National Board Recertification.     

          Dr. Ellis and Bill Mingin, applauded the Transportation Department for an above average audit from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). The department received a good TIMS audit above state average and cut their deficit score in half, which made the budget rating higher to fund the transportation department. Mr. Mingin stated that he had a great bunch in the department; they are up early and work late. Dr. Ellis appreciated each one for their hard work. Ricky Hurley, Teresa Robinson and Wayne Collins accepted the certificate on behalf of the transportation department.

           Chairman DeBerry asked for approval of the consent agenda. Bryan Dozier made the motion to approve with Ann Long seconding the motion. The board unanimously agreed to the following:

1)    Board Minutes from November 3, 2014;

2)    Personnel and Auxillary Reports:


    a.    Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher list:

            Noncertified                            Recommended By                Record Check

1)    Miriam DeBerry                    Donnie Lynthacum                       Yes

2)    Sandra Rink                         Beth Lancaster                             Yes

3)    Linda Karshner                    Donna Kennedy                            Yes


b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

Resignation/Retirement             School/Assignment                     Effective Date

1)    Tina Hare                                    Star Elementary                         November 1, 2014

Resignation                               Child Nutrition

2)    Shelby Morris                             Star Elementary                         November 27, 2014

Resignation                               Elementary Teacher

 3)    Matt Wolf                                  Green Ridge Elementary            January 3, 2015

Resignation                              1st Grade Teacher

 4)    Ellen Jones                               Central Office                             December 19, 2014

Resignation                               Part-time ESL Coordinator/

                                                  Literacy Support

 5)    Dan Jones                                West Middle School                    November 14, 2014

Resignation                               Interim Math Teacher

 6)    Margaret Miller                          EC Compliance Specialist/         December 12, 2014

Resignation                               Data Manager


c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for the 2014-2015 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:                                         

           Contract Effective Date     School Assignment    Record Check             Replacing

  1)    Vera Richardson            Mt. Gilead Elementary            Yes                        Lucy Lloyd

01/05/2015                      Guidance Counselor


2)    Holly Morgan                    Troy Elementary                     Yes                         P. Harris

11/14/2014                      2nd Grade Teacher


3)    Sherri Allgood                 West Middle School                 Yes                        Daniel Jones

12/01/2014                     8th Grade ELA/Science


d.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:

        Employee/Effective Date           School/Assignment             Record Check              Replacing

1)    Elsa de los Angeles              Page St/Troy Elementary                   Yes                        Martha Islas

           Temporary Interpreter

 2)    Krystal Kimrey                     West Middle School                             Yes                       Julie Wittman

    11/10/2014                             Behavior Specialist

 3)    Mirell Lilly                             Mt. Gilead Elementary                           Yes                 

    10/29/2014                             Part-time one-on-one EC Assistant

 4)    Nellie McCready                  West Middle School                                Yes                

     11/12/2014                            Part-time EC Teacher Assistant

5)    Carrie Watkins                     West Middle School                                 Yes                    Tabitha Harris-Sub

     01/05/2015                           ELA/Social Studies Teacher


e.    Report of the following transfers:

Transfer/Effective Date                From                         To                                    Replacing

1)    Crystal Douglas               Green Ridge/Star        Central Office                       Shirley Harris

    12/08/2014                        Teacher Asst.              Receptionist

2)    Melinda Greene                Star Elementary         Star Elementary                    Tina Hare

    12/1/2014                          Child Nutrition Sub      Child Nutrition P/T


 f.     Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following bus driver/sub drivers for the 2014-2015 school year that are not dual employees:

Kimberly Goodwin

Patricia Collins – Monitor (Background Check Pending)

Della Steele – Monitor (Background Check Pending)


g.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the winter 2014 sports season:

         West Montgomery High School

Coach                            Sport

         Michael Hinson              Basketball


         West Middle School

         Coach                            Sport

         Ron Weaver                   Basketball

         Sean Clausell                 Basketball

         Caitlin Batten                  Basketball

         Mike West                      Wrestling

         Jerimy Rinker                Wrestling

         Landy Hilger                   Wrestling

         Stacy Corne                   Cheerleading


         East Middle School

         Coach                            Sport

         Jonathan Frazier            Basketball

         Nathan McCallum          Basketball

         Kesha Collins                 Basketball

         Lauren Peter                  Basketball

         Barbara Streeter            Cheerleading

         Kirk Watts                      First Responder


         East Montgomery High School

         Coach                            Sport

         Cindy Martin                  Cheerleading

         Erie Greene                   Basketball

         Terrence Leak               Basketball

         Ray Massey                   Basketball

         Mike Stancil                   Basketball

         Linda Baldwin                Basketball

         Mike Maness                  Wrestling

         Sarah Talbert                 Wrestling

         Phil Collett                      Wrestling

         Angie Collett                   Wrestling (Volunteer)

         Ray Deaton                    Swimming

         Janet Deaton                  Swimming

         Mike Barrington              Trainer

h.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutors:

Chrystal Mabe               Star Elementary School

Tina Jackson                 Star Elementary School

April Cesaro                   Star Elementary School

Carolyn Johnson            Star Elementary School

Rachel Haywood           Star Elementary School

         Kenneth Shamberger    Star Elementary School


Upon recommendation approval of the following student transfer is requested.

Montgomery County Schools to Stanly County Schools

                           Diotrephes Nivens


                 3)     Budget Amendment #2:

 02 021


         Next, Dr. Jeff James gave an i3 update.   The purpose of the i3 program is to provide competitive grants to applicants with a record of improving student achievement and attainment in order to expand the implementation of, and investment in, innovative practices that are demonstrated to have an impact on improving student achievement or student growth, closing achievement gaps, decreasing dropout rates, increasing high school graduation rates, or increasing college enrollment and completion rates. The three million dollar grant will help develop a system of digital learning by providing expanded access to connectivity, teaching practices, digital learning community and learning environments for both students and teachers. Out of 26 applicants, MCS was awarded the third highest score: a ninety-four out of one hundred. The board congratulated Dr. James and his staff for a job well done.             

           Phillip Brown, Director of Secondary Education/CTE Program, stated that Montgomery County’s high school students are ranked first in the state with the highest percentage of students receiving thirteen hundred and fifty credentials with a percentage of 54.7% of enrollments in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses receiving a credential. Credentials received were: 8 drafting credentials, 132 career readiness certificates, 39 CPR/First Aid, 843 Fire Fighting credentials, 206 Microsoft Office, 21 Nursing Assistant 1, 54 Masonry and 46 Serve Safe/Food Protection Manager certification. 

             Jack Cagle, Director of Business and Community Partnership, presented a power point highlighting 2008-2014 Dropout Data. The data gave a comparison of drop out rates between Montgomery County high schools, the district, the region, the state and surrounding counties. Last year, Montgomery County’s dropout rate was lower, at 2.21 percent, than Moore, Randolph and Anson counties. Randolph came in second at 2.41 percent. Data also showed white males and white females at East Montgomery dropped out more last year than Hispanic, Black and American Indian males and females. The next steps to combat the student dropout rate is to identify students who are at risk using Student Assistant Team data, making home visits, using differentiated diplomas and to connect students and parents with internal and external support services.     

             Superintendent Ellis presented a copy of an agreement between the Montgomery County Pre-K Committee, Montgomery County Schools, Montgomery County Partnership for Children and Montgomery County that addresses certain obligations and responsibilities of the parties for administration, operation and funding of the NC Pre-K Program in Montgomery County. The Pre K Committee drafted the agreement. Dr. Ellis stated that this will be a three-year contract and will let the board know if it is approved.  

              Sharon Castelli, Principal at Page Street Elementary, talked about the different programs they have at Page Street to improve reading. Ms. Castelli said that Page Street has “great readers” and the goal is for students to love reading while improving reading scores. The school has friendly competitions between classrooms; a “reading bucks” store, where kids can earn “money” reading and spend it in the store; interventions with high school kids that tutor; book clubs; classroom centers; author visits; assistant principal of the day and afterschool reading.

              Krista McGuire, Fifth Grade Teacher at Page Street Elementary, discussed Techbook, a three-year program for fifth graders. Her fifth grade class has a set of twenty-four tablets. These tablets help students learn about things they do not know about, which in turn, motivates them to learn. Students explore at their own pace, watch different videos to find answers to questions and take assessments. Benchmark data will be used to find weak areas and build background knowledge, addressing core areas where scores have not been where they wanted them to be.                               

             Benjie Brown, Principal at West Montgomery High School and Terri Absher, Instructional Facilitator, presented a power point on SMART Lunch. English, Math, Science and Social studies PLC’s meet two times per week during SMART Lunch and one time per week after school. Teachers generate Common Formative Assessments (CFA’s) based on one to two standards that will be taught over a three-week period. CFA’s are administered during regular class time; reports are generated through SchoolNet and disaggregated during PLCs. Students are divided into three groups for SMART Lunch: Remediation for below fifty percent; Bubble for fifty to seventy percent; and Acceleration for above seventy percent. Teachers assigned to each group provide acceleration or remediation for CFA retakes, administered to all students who scored below seventy percent on the first assessment. Data is shared during PLCs and posted in the staff development room. Improvements are celebrated and weaknesses are addressed to decide the appropriate strategy to implement. Teachers have embraced the SMART Lunch idea, being “timid at first”, but now need no assistance in planning.                       

              Dr. Ellis presented a resolution supporting giving local control of school calendars back to school systems. With the board in agreement, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the resolution. Bryan Dozier made the motion to approve, with Ann Long seconding.                 

               Dr. Lancaster presented several policy codes for approval. Ann Long made the motion to approve the policy changes with Sandra Miller seconding the motion. The board unanimously agreed to the changes.

              Superintendent Ellis discussed the notes from the Student Advisory Meeting. The students compiled things that they liked and things that they would change about their classrooms and schools. They also listed topics they would like to discuss in future meetings.                  

              Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session.  With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Tommy Blake, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.  

             After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Sandra Miller, the meeting was duly adjourned.  

The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 12, 2014.


____________________________                                                     _______________________________

Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman                                                             Dale Ellis, Ed. D, Secretary