February 3, 2014
February 3, 2014
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 3, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were as follows:
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Shirley Threadgill
Jesse Hill
Ann Long
Sandra Miller
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.
Chairman DeBerry opened with a devotional on contentment. The story was about a farmer who lived his whole life on the same farm. It was ok for him, but with each year that passed the farmer began to tire of his surroundings. He wanted something better. Every day he found a new reason to criticize the old place. Soon he decided to sell his farm and list it with a real estate agent. The agent prepared newspapers, listing the farm’s advantages: ideal location, modern equipment, healthy livestock and acres of fertile ground. When the farmer read the ad his was stunned. He realized this was the place he had been looking for all his life. The moral of the story: be content with what you have.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Montgomery Learning Academy student, Florinda Perez-Leyva.
Superintendent Ellis presented Page Street Elementary Principal, Anne McLean with a plaque in honor of her recent retirement. It read as follows: In appreciation for your life long dedication to education…for believing in children, for guiding through example, for inspiring with passion, for living through loving, for leaving an indelible mark on the future, for touching the human soul…You have made all the difference. Thank you, Mrs. McLean, for your dedication to education and enjoy your retirement!
Chareta Green and Lynn Maness were presented Montgomery County Schools Certified and Classified Employee of the Month. Both are from Troy Elementary. Principal Vance Thomas states Mrs. Green is an “expert” with the PreK program, loved by students and staff, hardworking and child centered. Mr. Thomas called Mrs. Maness “professional in all parts of her job”, asked for by all teachers, never questions anything asked of her and is a “heck of a bus driver”.
Phillip Brown, Director of Secondary Education, recognized students in the Career and College Promise programs. Students awarded a certificate were: Monica Hassell, Dean’s List; Maribel Benitez, Laura Chappell, Madison Chappell, Jayde Chisholm, Will Griggs, Diego Parta, Megan Johnson, Amber Lynthacum, Lauren Morris, Alec Parsons, Brenda Perez and Makena Simmons, Honors List. Maria De Lourdes Oliver received a certificate for completing her Office Administration course. Congratulations, students!
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved. Sandra Miller made the motion with Ann Long seconding. With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:
1. Board Minutes from the January 6th meeting;
2. Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:
a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the
substitute teacher list:
Noncertified Recommended By Record Check
1) Terrie Fields Teresa Dunn Yes
2) Dale Blankenship Jack Cagle Yes
3) Larry Emmert Jack Cagle Yes
4) Ellen McAuley Jack Cagle Yes
b. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:
Resignation/Retirement School/Assignment Effective Date
1) Amy Parsons Green Ridge Elementary January 21, 2014
Resignation Assistant Principal
c. Report of the following transfers:
Effective Date From To Replacing
1) Danielle Hurley Troy Elementary Star Elementary Bethany Morgan
1/23/2014 Curriculum Facilitator Elementary Teacher
2) Natalie Eddins Communities in Schools West Montgomery Charlene
2/3/2014 Site Coordinator Data Manager Inkenbrandt
d. Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contracts for 2013-2014 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:
Contract/ School/ Record
Effective Date Assignment Check Replacing
1) Frank Cagle East Middle School Yes Kim Long
1/21/2014 Interim Math Teacher
2) Chris Parsons Star Elementary School Yes Melanie Lamonds
2/3/2014 Interim 4th Grade Teacher
3) Heather Nance Page Street Elementary Yes Janet Blackmon
02/17/2014 Interim 3rd Grade Teacher
e. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:
Employee/ School/ Record
Effective Date Assignment Check Replacing
1) Barbara Pemberton West Middle School Yes Angela Leak
1/10/2014 Interim EC-Teacher Asst.
(revised from 1/6/14 agenda)
2) Frances Freeman County Office Yes
1/16/2014 Child Nutrition Sub
f. Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contract:
· Art Smith, Interim Assistant Principal, Green Ridge Elementary, annual eleven-month term, commencing January 21, 2014 and ending June 30, 2014.
· Ellen Jones, Interim Principal, Page Street Elementary, annual twelve-month term, commencing January 27, 2014 and ending TBD.
g. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment
of the following bus driver/sub drivers for the 2013-2014 school year that are not dual employees:
· Princess Miller
h. Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the spring 2014 sports season:
East Montgomery High School
Coach Sport
Sean Hassell Varsity Baseball
Rodney Webb Varsity Baseball
Mark Reynolds JV Baseball
Scott Blue Golf/Field Maintenance
Chris Hadlock Soccer
Janira Reza Soccer
Ted Harman Softball
Angie Collett Softball
Jerry Spencer Track
Charity Watkins Track
Mark Miller Athletic Director
Ray Massey Athletic Director
East Middle School
Coach Sport
Josh Frye Baseball
Kirk Watts Baseball
Tyler Koser Softball
Courtney Britt Softball
April Hurley Soccer
Jackie Baldwin Soccer
Maggie McKinley Tennis
Frank Cagle Tennis
West Middle School
Coach Sport
Neil Williams Tennis
Alicia Blalock Tennis
Caitlyn Batten Soccer
Cody Tucker Soccer
Daniel Jones Baseball
Sean Thompson Baseball
Kyle Greene Baseball
Jessica Grooms Softball
Larry Johnson Softball
West Montgomery High School
Coach Sport
Sammy Jackson Varsity Baseball
Mike Elkins Varsity Baseball
Tom Berriman JV Baseball
Casey Galloway Varsity Softball
Leigh Anne Lamonds JV Softball
Robin Heath Soccer
Jimbo McIntyre Soccer
Derrick Drake Track
Katie Kimrey Track
Ken Neal Golf
TBD Tennis
Upon recommendation approval of the following overnight school trip is requested.
June 15-18, 2014 – East Montgomery High School 10th grade Civics class
to New York City.
Upon recommendation approval of the following Montgomery County School students for early graduation is requested.
East Montgomery High School
Victor Areola
West Montgomery High School
Katie Barringer Amber Lambert
Aaron Sanders Brandon Watson
Upon recommendation approval of the following student transfer is requested.
Montgomery County Schools to Stanly County Schools
Bladen Cole Gentle
3. Budget Amendment #3 as follows:
4. 2013-14 Anderson, Smith and Wike Audit Contract;
5. 2014-15 Montgomery County Schools Calendar.
Superintendent Ellis presented a Voucher Litigation Resolution to the Board, to communicate with elected leaders how detrimental the voucher program is to public schools. The resolution was unanimously approved by the board with a motion from Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller. The resolution reads as follows:
Montgomery Learning Academy teacher Darlene Chappell discussed Moodle, a free software program that helps educators create online courses with a focus on interaction and collaboration. Components of Moodle are organization, assessment capability and differentation where needed. The webpage can be constructed to incorporate the Common Core packet, making the lessons based on it. Students can watch videos and play learning games, which makes it fun. Students rarely get off task; they like the fact that Moodle is computer based. The computer tests are less stressful for the students and they partner together on assignments, learning from each other.
Next, board member Sandra Miller recapped the NCSBA Policy Conference in Wilmington. Most of the meeting was roundtable discussions, covering such topics as vouchers, charter schools, accountability and promoting schools by inviting legislators to visit. Other topics included the state of teaching, mainly recruitment, prep, support and evidence based research; negative effects on teaching, mainly being the press and salaries; and needs of teachers including support of beginning teachers and reinstatement of the Teaching Fellows program.
Bill McLaughlin and George Upton with Carolina Value Village Textiles Repurposing presented a proposal on recycling. The company places steel boxes at schools for people to deposit their old shoes, belts and clothes. The items are then taken to their facility and repurposed, paying the school a percentage of each pound collected. The company is responsible for the upkeep of the box. After discussion, the board unanimously approved the proposal with a motion from Sandra Miller and a second from Ann Long.
Nelson Furr, Energy Specialist, discussed a power point on steps the schools have taken to save energy including installing boilers, chillers, windows and old roof replacement, changes that will pay big dividends in the years to come. Electricity use decreased twenty-two percent with water decreasing twenty-eight percent. Propane use increased seventeen percent with heating oil decreasing fifteen percent.
Superintendent Ellis presented a recap of the Montgomery Commissioner Retreat. Discussion centered on school facilities. Plans are to put together a committee to solidify a plan for the future needs of the schools and the children of Montgomery County. Dr. Ellis encouraged the Board to serve on the committee and get the word out to the public that schools affect everyone in the community.
Dr. Ellis also spoke on rescheduling the Board visits to the schools. With the bad weather, the visits had to be postponed. A date will be decided on and emailed to the Board for approval.
Superintendent closed by reminding everyone that this week is Guidance Counselor week. Each day, the guidance staff makes sure the social needs of the students are met. Also, February is Black History month.
Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Tommy Blake, along with a second from Bryan Dozier, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.
After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Shirley Threadgill and the meeting was duly ajourned.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2014.
Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman
Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary