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June 2, 2014



                                                                            June 2, 2014


            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 2, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were as follows:

                         Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                         Tommy Blake, Vice Chair

 Bryan Dozier

 Shirley Threadgill

 Jesse Hill

 Ann Long

Sandra Miller

             Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown.  With a motion by Sandra Miller and a second from Ann Long, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.

            Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional on encouragment.  Many years ago, at what was then Standard Oil Company, an executive’s mistake cost the firm more than two million dollars. On the day the news leaked, the firm’s employees feared the wrath of the powerful head of the company—John D. Rockefeller—and found various ways to avoid him. One partner, Bedford, kept his previously scheduled appointment. When he walked into the president’s office, he saw Rockefeller writing on a pad of paper. Across the top of the page was written, “Points in favor of Mr. Bedford.” There followed a long list of the man’s virtues, including a description of how the executive had helped the firm make the right decision on three separate occasions. Since the earnings from these decisions had added up to many times the cost of the recent error, Rockefeller told Bedford that he had decided to seize the opportunity to encourage instead of criticise him.  Very little is gained by tearing someone down; give them hope for the future.  Be an encourager for someone today.

           Page Street Elementary students, Savannah Lassiter and Hannah Shepherd, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Superintendent Ellis presented certificates to Montgomery County Schools Employees of the Year.  This year, awards went to:  Kathy Thomas (Troy) and Chris Chappell (Candor), Bus Drivers; Cheryl Hurley (Troy), Child Nutrition; Katie Tucker (Green Ridge), Instructional Support; Barbara Smith (Green Ridge), Teacher Assistant; Walter Pegues (Page Street), Custodian; Gracia Pack (Troy), Office Support and Teresa Robinson (Central Office), Auxiliary Services.  Congratulations to each of you!

April Hurley and Adrena Little are Montgomery County Schools Certified and Classified Employee of the Month.  Both are from East Middle School.  Principal Della Ingram said, “Both of these ladies are two of East Middle’s finest”.  April is a sixth grade teacher.  She makes presentations to fellow teachers, started the reading tutor program and coaches soccer.  April is a role model to teachers and students.  Adrena is described as “flexible”; whatever is asked of her, she does it with a smile on her face.  Congratulations, April and Adrena!

Mollie Williams is a recipient of the Keenan Fellows Award.  Dr. James spoke about the award, sponsored by Wright’s Foods.  Mollie will work directly with Wright’s Foods and bring back her knowledge to the classroom.  Montgomery County Schools is lucky to collaborate with Wright’s and we appreciate their partnership. 

             Dr. Ellis presented Mr. Albert Johnson of the Mt. Gilead Savings and Loan a certificate of appreciation from the Board.  Mr. Johnson gave $10,000 each to Mt. Gilead Elementary and West Montgomery High School.  Grede Manufacturing will also receive a certificate for their donation to East Montgomery band.  After hearing the band members shared instruments, Grede presented East Montgomery with a check for $4,000 to purchase enough instuments so that sharing is no longer necessary.  Montgomery County Schools appreciates the support of dedicated partners like Mr. Johnson and Grede Manufacturing. 

             Chairman DeBerry asked that the Consent Agenda be held until closed session for discussion.  The board expressed no opposition.

             Superintendent Ellis reminded the Board that the End of the Year Review was approaching.  He suggested two possible weeks in August.  A date for the review will be determined before the next meeting.

             Dr. Lancaster presented policy changes at the May Board meeting.  With no questions from the Board, Ann Long made the motion to approve the changes and Sandra Miller seconded.  Policy changes were made with no opposition.   

             Dr. Ellis gave an overview of the budget.  In Raleigh, the senate and house have passed their versions.  Both versions have some cuts to our budget.  Montgomery County Schools is very committed to teachers getting a raise, but we want to give raises without cutting teacher assistants.  There will be more to come when the final budget is passed.  Dr. Ellis stated that with testing going on this week, he wanted this meeting “to be about celebrations and communicating the good works going on in the schools.  We have a lot of great people here and they should be recognized and celebrated”.

             Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session.  With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Shirley Threadgill, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.

              During closed session, the Board approved a salary increase and contract extension for Superintendent Ellis.  Sandra Miller made the motion to approve with Ann Long seconding.  The consent agenda was also approved during closed session as shown below, with a motion to approve by Tommy Blake and a second by Shirley Threadgill.  The Board unanimously approved both motions. 

                    1.    Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting May 5, 2014.

2.    Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:


a.    Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following addition to the

       substitute teacher list:

Noncertified                           Recommended By                Record Check

1)    Carolyn Johnson               Teresa Dunn                               Yes
2)    Farren Dunn                      Donnie Lynthacum                     Yes
b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

Resignation/Retirement                  School/Assignment                         Effective Date

1)    Melissa Nassetta                          West Middle School                            June 16, 2014

 Resignation                                        EC Teacher

            2)    Tyler Wendell                              West Montgomery High                        June 16, 2014

 Resignation                                       Math Teacher

             3)    Tyler Koser                                     East Middle School                           June 20, 2014

 Resignation                                     Health/PE Teacher

              4)    Betty Batten                                Star Elementary School                       June 13, 2014

 Resignation                                         Child Nutrition

              5)    Ginny Shaw                                 Troy Elementary School                      June 30, 2014

 Retirement                                      Teacher Assistant

              6)    Laura Blake                               Candor Elementary School                    June 16, 2014

 Resignation                                    Elementary Teacher

              7)   Frank Cagle Jr.                              East Middle School                              May 9, 2014

 Resignation                                 Language Arts Teacher

               8)   Janira Reza                              Green Ridge Elementary                        June 17, 2014

 Resignation                                  Kindergarten Teacher

               9)   Linda Rinaldi                                East Middle School                              June 16, 2014

 Retirement                                      Media Instructor

            10)  Michael Dawkins                       Green Ridge Elementary                            May 2, 2014

 Resignation                                 Part-time Custodian   


c.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for interim employment of the following non-certified personnel:

Employee/ Effective Date      School/Assignment             Record Check            Replacing
    1)    Wesley Maynor                East Montgomery High                    Yes            Interim for Hubert Lindsey
                                                   P/T Interim Custodian                                          


d.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contracts:

           ·         Art Smith, Assistant Principal, Green Ridge Elementary School, annual eleven-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending   June 30, 2016.

           ·         Dr. Kevin Lancaster, Deputy Superintendent, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2018.       (Contract Extension)

           ·         Dr. Takeda LeGrand, Chief Accountability and Quality Officer, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending       June 30, 2018. (Contract Extension)

           ·         Dr. Jeff James, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30,   2018. (Contract Extension)


b.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutors:

 Vickie Miller – Troy     

            Caryn Raming – Troy
             Brenda Hurley – Troy


e.    Report of the following transfers:


Effective Date                           From                                To                             Replacing

1)    Angela Dawkins            Green Ridge Elem.         Star Elementary               Sharon Wade

08/19/2014                       EC Teacher                   EC Teacher

2)    Corey Crane                  Green Ridge/Page        Green Ridge Elem.           Angela Dawkins

08/19/2014                       EC Teacher


f.     Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendations for non-renewal of teacher contracts during 2013-2014 as described by General Statute 115C-325:

Miranda Duell – West Middle School


g.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendations for re-employment of teachers to receive probationary contracts during 2014-2015 as described by General Statue 115C-325 (subject to availability of funds):


Lisa Bunting                                                                   Melissa Moniz

Katie Collins                                                                  Chris Parsons

Teresa Furr                                                                   Amanda Thompson   

Shelia Harrison                                                             Jamie Troskey

Cynthia Robinson                                                        

Kristen Throneburg



Chelsea Dempsey                                                        Tarra Barrett

Candace Dunton                                                          Megan Ridgeway

Heather Saunders                                                        Katie Trogdon



           Dodie Atkins                                                                 Rebecca Cagle

Sharon Furlano                                                             Lane Prince

Toby Karnes                                                                 Julie Estes

Brittany Maness                                                            Mandy Hall

Frances Morris                                                              Ashley Morris

Laura Wolf                                                                    Heather Nance

                                                                                      Jennifer Nance


EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL                                           WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL

Laura Cosner                                                                Caitlin Batten

Kirk Watts                                                                     Tamara Brewington

Josh Frye                                                                      Tamara Furr

Reggie Jackson                                                            Kyle Green

Mark Leake                                                                   Leigh Ann Griffin

Mandy Lucas                                                                Shea Walter

Maggie McKinley                                                         Jessica Grooms

Rebecca Micco                                                                        Landy Hilger

Joanna Miller                                                                Daniel Jones

Lauren Peter                                                                 Donna Rowland

                                                                                       Tracie Whitley

                                                                                       Sean Thompson



Teddi Benson                                                               Mollie Williams

Seth Dunlap                                                                  Terry Appen

Gary Thomas                                                               Sarah Blanton

Eric Trail                                                                       Phillip Collett

                                                                                      Laura Dawkins

                                                                                      Marissa Duncan

                                                                                      Quint Dunlap

  MONTGOMERY LEARNING ACADEMY               Candace Floyd

  Ericka Shaw                                                               Kimberly Hare

            A.J. Whitesell                                                              Sean Hassell

                                                                                      Mike Loutzenheiser

                                                                                      Cynthia Martinez

                                                                                      Mary Jo Mingin

                                                                                      Jennifer Pieczyski

                                                                                      Enoc Robledo

                                                                                      Charity Watkins

                                                                                      Michelle Wendell


h.    Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendations for re-employment of teachers to receive temporary contracts during 2014-2015 as described by General Statute 115C-296.1 (subject to availability of funds):



None                                                                                 None



None                                                                                 None



None                                                                                 Corey Crane


EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL                                              WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL

Kesha Collins                                                                    Ben Grindstaff

Elise Smith



Nakee White                                                                     Teresa Allred

                                                                                          Leslie Shoffner

                                                                                          Claudia Stewart




Upon recommendation approval of the following overnight school trips is requested.

            June 16-19, 2014 - West Montgomery High School FFA to FFA State Convention, Raleigh, NC

June 16-20, 2014 -  East Montgomery High School Football Team to Football Team Camp Wilson High School, Florence, SC

            August 4-8, 2014  - West Montgomery High School FFA to State FFA Camp, White Lake, NC


Upon recommendation approval of the following student tranfer is requested.


Montgomery County Schools to Moore County Schools

James William Gardner


Montgomery County Schools to Stanly County Schools

James Asa Crotts    Tazewell Keene Crotts      William Arthur Crotts



3.     Budget Amendments 12, 13, 14 & 15 as follows:

12 13  

                           14 15


4.     Board Meeting and School Visit Calendar for 2014-15;

5.    MCC Board of Trustees Reappointment of Dr. Johnny McKinnon;

6.    Pepsi Contract for East Montgomery High School;

7.    MCS Child Nutritition Procurement Plan;

8.    MCS Bid Analysis Summary Sheet;

9.    Federal Programs Applications.


            After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn.  With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Shirley Threadgill, the meeting was duly adjourned.  

The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, July 14, 2014.



                                                                      Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman



                                                                       Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary