March 6, 2014 (3)
March 6, 2014
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were as follows:
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Shirley Threadgill
Jesse Hill
Ann Long
Sandra Miller
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board.
Chairman DeBerry opened with an excerpt taken from “God’s Little Devotional Book for Leaders”. After Dwight Eisenhower won the Republican nomination for president from Robert Taft in 1952, a reporter asked Taft about the disappointment that he surely must have felt in setting a goal and not reaching it. Taft admitted, "My great goal was to become President of the United States in 1953." But then he added, "Instead I became a senator from Ohio!" Ultimately, Taft's goal was to be elected to a political office and to serve his nation as a representative of the people. And in that he succeeded. If he hadn't run for an office, however, he would never have been elected to one! That's true for the accomplishment of any real goal in life. You've got to throw your hat into the ring and start pursuing your goal --- campaign for its accomplishment the best you know how, thoroughly brief yourself on the issues that are important, define your stance and stay true to it, and maintain a positive attitude even in the face of serious opposition.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Green Ridge Elementary students, Alexis Barrington and Alexandria McAlister.
Deborah Chambers, grandparent, signed up to address the board.
A Resolution of Esteem was read by Chairman DeBerry in honor of Virene Maddox Kissell. Mrs. Kissell’s family accepted the resolution which read as follows:
WHEREAS, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite love and wisdom, saw fit to call home Virene Maddox Kissell on January 20, 2014, and
WHEREAS, her services as a teacher with Montgomery County Schools were a living testimonial of her integrity and skill, and
WHEREAS, her loss will be deeply felt not only by those with whom she served,
but also throughout her entire community and county.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Montgomery County Board of Education goes on record in expressing a sense of real loss and regret in her passing; that a copy of this resolution be conveyed to her family as an indication of our deep sympathy; and that a copy of the same be filed as a part of the permanent minutes of the board of education.
Ruby Parsons and Tremenia Wall were presented Montgomery County Schools Certified and Classified Employee of the Month. Both are from Montgomery Learning Academy. Principal John Beard states Mrs. Parsons sets an example for others and has a “great relationship with her students”. Mrs. Wall runs the alternative to suspension program and keeps kids with her instead of sending them home. Mr. Beard commented that she, like Mrs. Parsons, cares about the kids at MLA and it shows.
AJ Hill, East Montgomery High School student, received second place in the State Wrestling Championships. AJ was unable to attend. His wrestling coach accepted on his behalf.
Deidra Steed, Director of Elementary Education, presented certificates to the science fair winners. They are: Faethe Davis and Laura Wallace from Page Street Elementary; David Steed, Paulina Leon and Madeline Parsons from Candor Elementary; and Clay Turner, Kayla Schaffer and Matthew Lowery from Mt. Gilead Elementary.
Mrs. Steed also introduced the winners of the spelling bee. Winners were: Makena Owens, Page Street Elementary; Harley Brown- Overall winner, from Star Elementary; Carmen Arellano, Green Ridge Elementary; Madison Lynthacum, Mt. Gilead, Elementary; Layla Jackson, Candor Elementary; Kaylin Parter, West Middle and Katherine Johnson, East Middle.
Next, Katie Hursey presented a power point of the Communities in Schools/Black History Month door decorating participants. Winners attended the board meeting and received a certificate to share with their class. They were: Shirley Collins, Star; Cindy Niece, Green Ridge; Fannie Cagle, East Middle; Crystal Thomas, Candor; Marcella Rutherford, West Middle; Angela Martin, Mt. Gilead; Chareta Green, Troy; and Ashley Jones, Page Street.
Superintendent Ellis presented board members, Ann Long and Jesse Hill with NCSBA certificates. Ms. Long received the Bronze Award for 601 to 700 cumulative training hours and Mr. Hill received the Certificate of Merit for 31 to 100 cumulative training hours.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved. Sandra Miller made the motion with Ann Long seconding. With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:
1. Board Minutes from the February 3rd and Special called meeting, February 12th;
2. Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:
a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the
substitute teacher list:
Noncertified Recommended By Record Check
1) Darrick Pratt Donna Kennedy Yes
2) Gwen Edmonds Della Ingram Pending
b. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:
Resignation/Retirement School/Assignment Effective Date
1) Vivian Harris East Middle School 02/13/2014
Resignation Part time custodian
c. Report of the following transfers:
Effective Date From To Replacing
1) Mable “Marie” Shaw East Montgomery West Montgomery
02/11/2014 EC one-on-one EC one-on-one
2) Adriana Persin East/West High West Montgomery Herbert Sisk
02/03/2014 Spanish Teacher
3) Angeline Freeman County Office East Montgomery Jessica Wincklhofer
03/03/2014 Cafeteria Sub Part time Cafeteria
d. Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contracts for 2013-2014 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:
Contract/ School/ Record
Effective Date Assignment Check Replacing
1) Tamara Furr West Middle School Yes Chris Blake
02/17/2014 EC Teacher
2) Todd McGuire West Montgomery Yes Adriana Persin
02/03/2014 Spanish Teacher
e. Upon recommendation, approval of the following non-contracted employee pending completion of licensure requirements:
1) Sarah Blanton East Montgomery High Yes Becky Allen
02/24/2014 ESL Teacher
f. Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contract:
· Jack Cagle, Director of Community Engagement and Drop-Out Prevention, annual twelve-month term, commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2016.
g. Upon recommendation, approval of the following coaches for the spring 2014 sports season:
East Middle School
Coach Sport
Rebecca Micco Softball
Reginald Jackson Tennis
3. Budget Amendment #4 and #5 as follows:
Green Ridge Elementary Principal Donna Kennedy, along with the 5th grade team - Leathea Woodruff, Jennah King and Teresa Furr - discussed “Rethinking Student Engagement”.
Understanding change is the new normal, this group decided how to make it fun for their students using programs, such as iReady and using tablets and tools, in addition to pencil and paper. The students love using the technology and ask to use it at recess or during free time. Teachers have a checklist for each student driven by the PDSA cycle that tells the students what order to complete tasks and gives them a choice of assignment. Mrs. Kennedy stated that constant collaboration and communication between teachers is the key to student success. Teachers work together and plan their lessons each week. “This is the first year they have planned together using technology to drive what they do; they talked about a model of what they wanted for their school and came up with this and it works”.
Superintendent Ellis discussed a slide from a presentation by Bill Daggett he saw recently. It talked about the literature gap as a means by which schools fall behind in preparing students for careers and college.
Dr. Ellis also spoke on the 25% selection process. Employees were presented the two options and asked to vote electronically. Fifty-three percent of those who responded chose the random selection process. The board approved the process with a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Sandra Miller. Final approval of the top 25% of teachers will come at a later meeting.
At the February meeting, the board asked Dr. Ellis if a resolution could be sent to the legislature concerning teacher pay. The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) recognizes the value of teachers and all state employees; and
WHEREAS, the Board understands the great contributions made by educators in the development of students capable of acquiring and maintaining twenty-first century jobs; and
WHEREAS, the Board is directly aware of the problems associated with hiring and retaining high quality educators in a dynamic, changing, and stressful educational environment; and
WHEREAS, the Board takes notice that it has been many years since teachers and other state employees have been awarded any significant raise in salary by the North Carolina General Assembly;
AND WHEREAS, the Montgomery County Board of Education has opposed and continues to oppose such a perceived lack of concern, faith, and trust in our most valuable assets, our employees, by our elected state officials;
That the Montgomery County, North Carolina Board of Education goes on record to strongly urge the Governor and the North Carolina General Assembly to act immediately to award significant salary raises to ALL educators and state employees and to aid local school districts in attracting and retaining high quality teachers, such action being in the best interests of all the citizens of the state of North Carolina.
Adopted this 6th day of March. 2014.
Superintendent Ellis presented a proposal from Montgomery Community College to thin the timber on the land adjacent to the college. The revenue from the thinning will be an estimated $10,000. The county has confirmed that Montgomery County Schools will be allowed to keep the funds and use them in the general operating expense budget.
Dr. Ellis closed by welcoming three ladies from Youth Leadership Montgomery and thanking Dr. Lancaster and Bill Mingin for checking the roads early mornings during the recent winter weather.
Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Sandra Miller, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.
After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Shirley Threadgill and the meeting was duly ajourned.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, April 6, 2014.
Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman
Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary
March 6, 2014
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its midyear review session on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at 6:00p.m.with the following members present:
Steven S. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Jesse Hill
Ann S. Long
Sandra Miller
Shirley M. Threadgill
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to accept the agenda as presented. With a motion from Sandra Miller, along with a second from Tommy Blake, the board unanimously approved the agenda.
Superintendent Ellis welcomed everyone. His comments included looking at what changes will be coming on the state level. Dr. Ellis announced that 2013-2014 will be the final year in this strategic planning cycle, stating that the goal is for continuous improvement, noting that we have much to be proud of in all areas. He then turned over the Globally Competitive Students portion of the meeting to Dr. Jeff James.
Dr. James gave a review of Globally Competitive Students which encompasses strengths and weaknesses of the graduation rate, AMO, ABC Expected Growth and the most recent assessment data.
Kevin Lancaster gave an update of 21st Century Professionals/Healthy & Responsible which includes the goals for Ethical Violations, teacher retention, OSS suspension rate and attendance rate.
Takeda Legrand updated the group on the Teen Pregnancy Rate, which includes strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.
Dr. Ellis discussed the Leadership Guides Innovation portion covering MCS Community and Parent Contact goals.
Kathy Johnson reviewed 21st Century Systems which includes audit finding goals, maintaining an adequate fund balance and adequate facilities.
Dale Ellis ended looking forward to the process of development of Strategic Plan 2017. Proposed changes will be recommended at a later Board of Education meeting.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion from Tommy Blake, along with a second from Sandra Miller, along with unanimous approval from the board, the meeting was adjourned.
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary
March 6, 2014
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in a work session on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. prior to the regular board meeting with the following members present:
Steven S. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Jesse Hill
Ann S. Long
Sandra Miller
Shirley M. Threadgill
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order.
Kathy Johnson gave an overview of our budget situation from a local and state perspective. She also showed current local budget and projected local revenues. After seven years of not requesting capital outlay money, this year we will request $300,000. These funds would be used as follows:
Technology – to meet new on line testing requirements and to maintain
and replace equipment $150,000
Child Nutrition – to maintain and replace equipment 50,000
Activity Bus Replacement (last purchased in 1998) 100,000
These estimates are based upon information received from the Department of Public Instruction’s initial allotment and the Governor’s proposed budget indicating reduction areas for 2014-2015. The information currently provided is subject to change when actual state budget is adopted.
Projected Revenue 2014-2015
Local Current Expense
County Appropriation $ 5,365,267
Fines and Forfeitures $ 195,000
Timber Receipts $ 75,000
Appropriated Fund Balance $ 750,000
Total Projected Local Current Expense $ 6,385,267
A motion by Bryan Dozier was made to submit the same Montgomery County budget as shown, along with a second from Sandra Miller, the board unanimously approved this motion.
The budget work session was duly adjourned.
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary