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May 5, 2014



                                                                              May 5, 2014


            The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 5, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were as follows:

                         Steven W. DeBerry, Chair

                        Tommy Blake, Vice Chair

Bryan Dozier

Shirley Threadgill

Jesse Hill

Ann Long

Sandra Miller


            Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown.  With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted with unanimous approval from the board. 

            Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional. 

            East Middle School Beta Club Officers, Samantha Aguilar, Sierra Brown and Frank Garcia led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Superintendent Ellis presented Erie Green with a plaque in honor of his recent retirement.  Mr. Green served in many positions during his employment with Montgomery County Schools, but is best known as a coach and mentor.  Dr. Ellis recognized him for doing a “tremendous job” tracking data, working diligently with students and lowering the dropout rate in the county.  Mr. Green thanked his wife and daughter, Esquire members attending, the board and Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Ellis for their support.       

 Jeannette Dawkins and Beverly Hogan are Montgomery County Schools Certified and Classified Employee of the Month.  Both are from Star Elementary.  Principal Teresa Dunn said, “You couldn’t have picked two better representatives.  There is 60 years experience between the both of them.  Jeannette sees it and goes after it, she enjoys her job and it shows.  Beverly always says she is here for the kids and wants to be with them.  Both ladies are true leaders in the building at Star”.  Congratulations, Jeannette and Beverly!

 Dr. Ellis presented Deidra Steed and Kevin Lancaster with certificates for supporting teachers while they work to achieve National Board Certification. 

             Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion that the Consent Agenda be approved.  Sandra Miller made the motion with Ann Long seconding.  With no opposition, the Consent Agenda was accepted as shown:

        1.    Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting April 7th, 2014.

2.    Personnel and Auxillary Reports as follows:


 a.  Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher list:

       Non-Certified                   Recommended By                Record Check

        1)    Kayla Lee                           Jack Cagle                                Yes

        2)    Rachel Haywood             Teresa Dunn                               Yes
        3)    Mack Simmons             Donna Kennedy                             Yes
        4)    Kayleigh Andrufski             Joan Frye                                   Yes
        5)    Krystal DeBray               Teresa Dunn                                 Yes
         6)    Alicia Lineberry            Barb Slingerland – EC                    Yes
         7)    Jean Inkenbrandt           Beth Lancaster                           Pending

  b.    Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:

Resignation/Retirement                        School/Assignment                          Effective Date

1)    Lucy Lloyd                                           Mt. Gilead Elementary                            June 30, 2014

Retirement                                          Guidance Counselor

       2)    Lt. Col. Tom Ovbey                             West Montgomery High                         June 30, 2014

Retirement                                             ROTC Instructor

       3)    Eva Duggins                                       Page Street Elementary                           July 1, 2014

Retirement                                             Media Specialist

      4)    Kathy Mabry                                          Mt. Gilead Elementary                             July 1, 2014

Retirement                                             Teacher Assistant

      5)    Nancy Allred                                        Page Street Elementary                           May 1, 2014

            Resignation                                             Teacher Assistant

      6)    Sammy Jackson                              West Montgomery High School                 March 28, 2014

Resignation                                               Baseball Coach

       7)    Betty Harvel                                           Page Street Elementary                         July 1, 2014

Retirement                                                  EC Teacher

       8)    Margaret Chambers                                  Star Elementary                                March 13, 2014

Retirement                                             Child Nutrition Dept.


 c.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim probationary contract for 2013-2014 as provided by General Statute 115C-325:


       Contract/                             School/                                    Record     

       Effective Date                     Assignment                            Check                Replacing

 1)    Lueginia Alston               West Montgomery High                     Yes              Stewart Browne

05/12/2014                     Biology Teacher


 d.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for 2014-2015

as provided by General Statute 115C-325:

  Contract/                             School/                                   Record     

       Effective Date                     Assignment                            Check                Replacing


1)    Martha Dickens             West Montgomery High            Yes                    Tom Ovbey

07/01/2014                     ROTC Instructor


2)    Stephanie Ross              West Middle School                 Pending             Melissa Nassetta

08/25/2014                     EC Teacher


 e.    Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutors:

1)    April Cesaro – Star Elementary

      2)    Ferecia Tyson – Troy Elementary
      3)    Donna Yorkovich – Troy Elementary
      4)    Regina Whitley – Troy Elementary



f.     Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment

of the following bus driver/sub drivers for the 2013-2014 school year that are not dual employees:

 Levonna Morrison


 g.    Request approval for the following contractual agreement for EC program:

 1)    Amanda Pennington to provide Physical Therapy services to Montgomery County Schools for the period beginning April 1, 2014 through June 13, 2014.


 Upon recommendation, approval of the following overnight school trips is requested.

 May 20-25, 2014 -   EMHS Destination Imagination to Destination Imagination Global finals in Knoxville, TN


Upon recommendation approval of the following student tranfer is requested.

Montgomery County Schools to Asheboro City Schools

Sarah Christian Hildreth              Taylor Caroline Hildreth


Montgomery County Schools to Randolph County Schools

Daniel Lane Smith


3.    Budget Amendments 10 & 11 as follows:





           Lizzie Garner, Pre-K Director and Dr. Jeff James, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, presented a Pre-K update for the Board.  The Pre-K program was previously under the Partnership for Children, but this year Montgomery County Schools took over the program.  Pre-K is a program of the Division of Child Development and Early Education in the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  The program is free of charge and is designed to provide high-quality educational experiences to enhance school readiness for eligible, at risk four year olds.  There is strict elibility criteria, since it is operated with state funds.  Children must be four by August 31st of the program year and meet one or more of the following requirements:  family’s gross income must be at or below 75% of the state Median Income Level; have an identified developmental disability; Limited English Proficient; have an educational need, as indicated by the child’s performance results on their screening; have a chronic health condition; or have a parent in active military or injured in combat.  Montgomery County has nine enrollment sites for Pre-K.  They include Candor Elementary, Green Ridge Elementary, Eggleston’s Playground, Troy Elementary, Little Friends Preschool and Mt. Gilead Elementary.  Each classroom has a certified teacher and an assistant.  Chairman DeBerry worried about having more applicants than slots to put them.  Mrs. Garner stated that other children would be placed on a waiting list and if needed, Montgomery County Schools could apply for extra funding.

        East Montgomery Principal, Heather Seawell introduced teacher Jennifer Pieczyski, Distance Learning teacher Linda Sanders and student, Jacquelyn Stump.  Mrs. Pieczyski appeared via television screen to demonstrate Distance Learning.  Students from West Montgomery can take French at East Montgomery through this process.  The teacher can interact with the students by answering questions and solving problems.  Teachers can “zoom in” on their work to keep them on task.  Miss Stump spoke about online classes through Montgomery and Stanly Community College taught by professors.  The high school students prepare for college and earn college credits with no tuition for parents to worry about.  There are guidance screenings and requirements to take the online classes.  When asked about the courses, she stated the online classes were more difficult and the student had much more responsibility to get the information on their own.  Teachers interact with you by email if you have questions or problems.  Miss Stump said she wasn’t prepared for that level of learning and “the classes aren’t to be taken lightly; you have to commit”. 

         Next, East Middle Principal Della Ingram introduced teachers Jeanne Black and April Hurley to discuss High Five Literacy strategies.  Teachers noticed that reading scores had increased, but they were not where they needed to be.  Some felt overwhelmed, which made teaching “hit and miss”; all teachers wanted to be on the same page.  To improve comprehension, thus improving test scores, East Middle implemented five strategies through staff development before the first day of school.  They are called “High Five” and include:  Read Around the Text, K.I.M (Key Word, Information and Memory Clue) Vocabulary, Two Column Notes, Reciprocal Teaching and Sum it Up.  Both Mrs. Hurley and Mrs. Black said they saw huge differences in the reading this year and hope it shows on the end of grade test.

         Teacher Chris Jonassen presented a power point on his time in the Sandhills Leadership Academy.  The academy gives students an executive coach, places them at a school and prepares them with different strategies to handle situations as they arise.  Professional development is held every Thursday in Carthage.  There members discuss assignments and decisions made during the school week.  Mr. Jonassen was placed at West Middle with Principal Joan Frye and thanks her for being patient and giving honest feedback.

          The Board proclaimed Tuesday, May 6th as Teacher Appreciation Day.  The proclamation reads as follows:          

          WHEREAS, Montgomery County Schools Teachers make public schools great; and WHEREAS, Teachers work to open student’s minds to ideas, knowledge and dreams; and WHEREAS, Teachers keep American democracy alive by laying the foundation for good citizenship; and WHEREAS, Teachers fill many roles, as listeners, explorers, role models, motivators and mentors; and WHEREAS, Teachers continue to influence us long after our school days are only memories;

          Now, therefore, I, Steven W. DeBerry, serving as chairman of the Montgomery County Board of Education, Do hereby proclaim Tuesday, May 6, 2014, as National Teacher Day.  I urge that we observe this day by taking time to recognize and acknowledge the impact of Teachers on our lives.

                        Signed this fifth day of May, two thousand and fourteen.

                                       Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman                     Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary

          Terry Jordan, Child Nutrition Director, discussed Equity in School Lunch Pricing.  The intent of 2010 Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act, is to ensure that sufficient funds are provided to the food service account for paid lunches.  This provision only applies to paid lunches.  Effective July 1st of this year, all school food authorities must base paid lunch prices for School Year 2014-15 on these requirements.  Mrs. Jordan recommended an increase of $0.05 to $2.25 for middle and high school students and an increase of $0.15 to $2.05 for elementary students.  These increases will close the gap between what is paid by middle and high school students and by elementary students.  Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the lunch increase.  Ann Long made the motion, while Tommy Blake seconded.  The motion passed with unanimous approval from the board.   

            Kevin Lancaster, Deputy Superintendent, presented policy and regulation changes for first reading, to be approved at the June board meeting. 

           Superintendent Ellis made the Board aware of Teacher Appreciation Day, Child Nutrition and Nurse Appreciation Week.

Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session.  With a motion from Tommy Blake, along with a second from Bryan Dozier, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.

            During closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to amend the Personnel Report as submitted and add to the consent agenda Benji Brown as the principal at West Montgomery High School.  The Board unanimously approved this addition. 

            After closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn.  With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Sandra Miller, the meeting was duly ajourned.  

The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, June 2, 2014.



                                                                      Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman



                                                                       Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary