February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 2, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were as follows:
Steven W. DeBerry, Chair
Tommy Blake, Vice Chair
Bryan Dozier
Jesse Hill
Ann Long
Sandra Miller
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown, holding the consent agenda until closed session. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Ann Long, the agenda was adopted and consent request approved unanimously by the board.
Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional on integrity quoting a story from Ted Engstrom’s book, Integrity. “For Coach Cleveland Stroud and the Bulldogs of Rockdale County High School, it was their championship season: 21 wins and 5 losses on the way to the Georgia boys’ basketball tournament last March, then a dramatic come-from-behind victory in the state finals. Now, the new glass trophy case outside the high school gymnasium is bare. Earlier this month the Georgia High School Association deprived Rockdale County of the championship after school officials said that an ineligible player played 45 seconds in the first of the school’s five postseason games. ‘We didn’t know he was ineligible at the time; we didn’t know about it until a few weeks ago,’ Mr. Stroud said. ‘Some people have said we should have just kept quiet about it, that it was just 45 seconds and the player wasn’t an impact player. But, you’ve got to do what’s honest and right and what the rules say. I told my team that people forget the scores of basketball games; they don’t ever forget what you’re made of.’” Our integrity is revealed when we’re faced with a decision to do what we know is right, even if it conflicts with what we want.
Brandon Rich and Marco Arzamendia, students from Montgomery Learning Academy, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
A resolution of esteem was presented to the family of Donnie Harris. Mr. Harris was an educator with Montgomery County Schools for many years. The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite love and wisdom, saw fit to call home Donald “Donnie” Martin Harris on December 29,2014, and WHEREAS, his services as a teacher and coach with Montgomery County Schools for over 30 years were a living testament of his integrity and skill, and WHEREAS, his loss will be deeply felt not only by those with whom he served, but also throughout his entire community and county. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Montgomery County Board of Education goes on record in expressing a sense of real loss and regret in his passing; that a copy of this resolution be conveyed to his family as an indication of our deep sympathy; and that a copy of the same be filed as a part of the permanent minutes of the Board of Education.
Dr. Ellis and Angie Tofflemeyer, Principal at Troy Elementary School, presented Lisa Smith and Stephanie Lynthacum certificates for Classified and Certified employees of the month. Mrs. Tofflemeyer said, “Mrs. Smith is an outstanding employee; she steps in and helps in all capacities. Mrs. Lynthacum is a first grade teacher with a class that is engaged and busy. She doesn’t like to be recognized, but really deserves it”. Dr. Ellis commended Mrs. Lynthacum and Mrs. Smith on a job well done.
Superintendent Ellis recognized Kevin Lancaster, Deputy Superintendent, as the North Carolina DARE Educator of the Year. Montgomery County DARE Officer Jeff Branch nominated Dr. Lancaster in recognition of his long-term support of the program in Montgomery County. Dr. Ellis congratulated Dr. Lancaster and thanked him for being a valuable member of his team.
Next, Montgomery Learning Academy Assistant Principal Amy Reynolds and Teacher AJ Whitesell, discussed APEX Learning. APEX Learning is a provider of standards-based, blended and virtual learning solutions. The curriculum is used for original credit, credit recovery, remediation, intervention, acceleration and exam preparation. Teachers differentiate instruction and spend more time working one-on-one with students. Students move at their own pace and the mutimedia instruction motivates students. APEX follows Common Core standards, lets teachers monitor and guide students and if students are absent, they can complete assignments at home. The curriculum also allows teachers to monitor parent contact.
Jeff James presented an update on Title 1 requirements. In North Carolina, the Grant falls under the Federal Programs and Monitoring Division and must be applied for each year by submitting a plan that meets federal guidelines. The money is used for children who are most at risk of failing to meet the State’s academic standards. The funds are used to provide additional personnel, supplies and resources for at-risk students. The amount of Title 1 funds available depends on free and reduced lunch numbers per LEA. The higher the number of students on free and reduced lunch, the greater the school poverty ranking. Schools must be served in the rank in which they fall, serving its areas above seventy-five percent poverty.
Dr. James also discussed the Afterschool Quality Improvement Grant. The purpose of the grant is to pilot afterschool learning programs for at-risk students that raise standards for student academic outcomes. There were fourty-four grants submitted and seventeen approved with the grant being one million dollars over a two-year period. The grant will serve 204 students at West Middle and East Middle afterschool from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. Students will be using software and robotics with kits that can be used in the classroom after the grant is complete.
Phillip Brown explained School Performance Grades. The North Carolina General Assembly included specifications for reporting School Performance Grades (A, B, C, D, and F) for each public school and public charter school. North Carolina’s State Board of Education decided high school teachers will transition to a ten-point grading scale starting next school year. North Carolina schools currently use a seven-point scale. The current and new scale is as follows:
Current: 100-93 A New: 100-90
92-85 B 89-80
84-77 C 79-70
76-70 D 69-60
Below F Below
The state originally considered phasing in the grading scale changes over three years. But educators and students across the state worried that would be unfair in classrooms where students were different grade levels. The new scale will begin with ninth graders the 2015-16 school year.
Dr. Michael Bosse reported on math staff development for teachers. He has been working with Montgomery County math teachers since December 2013, working at different times with elementary, middle and high school teachers. Dr. Bosse has provided approximately 250 hours of professional development. His areas include group professional development, assessment, curriculum development, technology, classroom observations and team teaching at the district office and in classrooms. Plans are underway for summer sessions with curriculum and professional development for the Principals. MCS provides support for elementary teachers through a consultant, middle grades by Dr. Bosse and high school through an MSP grant with Meredith College. Dr. Bosse continued by discussing the amazing things he is seeing in the classroom stating that “the resources expended on K-12 math teachers exceeds that which I have seen in any other district”. He also added, “The number, quality and amount of grants attracted by MCS exceed anything that I have seen at any other district. The District has made efforts to meet every real or perceived need stated by the teachers”. When asked about expectations for the future, Dr. Bosse said that positive strides are being made, which takes time, effort and resources and asked that MCS “continue the course”. In closing, for supporting math teachers and students, Dr. Bosse applauded the effort and hard work of District personnel and administrators.
Nelson Furr presented a report on the Energy Savings Program. Some of the new energy savings projects included: new chillers at East Middle and West Middle, a new pump motor installed in Mt. Gilead’s boiler room, energy efficient boilers at both high school auditoriums and new thermal efficient windows in the high school math wings. The department requested and received $11,887 in billing adjustments due to overcharges stemming from leaks at West Middle and West Montgomery. Looking ahead, Mr. Furr said that unfortunately, rate increases will continue and conservation will be even more important. This can be accomplished by continuing to reduce HVAC run times, utilize the most efficient facilities for afterschool programs, discourage the use of overrides and continuing to upgrade equipment.
Kevin Lancaster asked the board to approve the calendar change discussed at the January board meeting. Tommy Blake made the motion to approve the change with Ann Long seconding. The board unanimously approved the motion. Dr. Lancaster also presented several policies for First Reading. They are policy codes: 4201/7271 Injury and Loss Prevention, 7540 Voluntary Shared Leave, 7422 Deputy/Associate/Assistant Superintendent Contracts, 7425 School Administrator Contracts, 7510 Leave, 7635 Return to Work, 7820 Personnel File, 7950 Non-Career Status Teachers: Non-renewal, 9115 Prequalification of Bidders for Construction Projects, 9120 Bidding for Construction Work and 9220 Security of Facilities. These changes are scheduled to be voted on at the next board meeting in March.
For superintendent remarks, Dr. Ellis
reminded everyone that February is Black History Month and also School Counselors
and Bus Driver Appreciation Month.
Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session. With a motion from Bryan Dozier, along with a second from Tommy Blake, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.
Upon returning from closed session, with a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Jesse Hill, the board approved the consent agenda as follows:
1) Board Minutes from January 12, 2015;
2) Personnel and Auxillary Reports:
a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following addition to the
substitute teacher list:
Noncertified Recommended By Record Check
1) Judy Williamson Donnie Lynthacum Yes
2) Shaquille Little Donnie Lynthacum Yes
b. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:
Resignation/Retirement School/Assignment Effective Date
1) Philip Collett East Montgomery High 01/23/2015
Resignation Social Studies/Head
Football Coach
2) Stacy Corne West Middle School 02/01/2015
Resignation Math Teacher
c. Upon recommendation, approval of the following interim temporary contracts for the 2014-2015 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:
Contract/ School/ Record
1) Lauren Solomon Green Ridge Elementary Yes Matt Wolf
01/26/2015 Interim 1st Grade Teacher
2) Laverne Smith Mt. Gilead Elementary Yes New Position
02/09/2015 Interim Pre-K Teacher
d. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following non-certified personnel:
Employee/ School/ Record
Effective Date Assignment Check Replacing
1) Brenda D. Smith County Office Yes Janice Williamson
01/22/2015 Child Nutrition Sub
2) Clara Armstrong Page Street Yes Additional
Site Coordinator- Assignment
21st Century Grant
3) Wanda Cagle Green Ridge Elementary Yes New Position
01/26/2015 Interim 2nd Grade Support
4) Angie Collett Green Ridge Elementary Yes New Position
01/26/2015 Interim 2nd Grade Support
e. Report of the following transfers:
Effective Date From To Replacing
1) Katie Hursey Central Office Central Office
01/05/2015 Special Projects Special Projects
Coordinator Coordinator
Part-time Full-time
2) Kevin Bennett Mt. Gilead Elem. Mt. Gilead Elem.
01/12/2015 Custodian Custodian
Part-time Full-time
3) Art Smith Green Ridge Elem. East Montgomery High Tim Addis
02/09/2015 Asst. Principal Asst. Principal
f. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for leave of absence of the following personnel:
· Ken Neal, West Montgomery High School, requesting a leave of absence from January 4, 2015 until March 1, 2015.
West Montgomery High School
Robin Heath Soccer
Jimbo McIntyre Soccer
Daniel Coggins Track
Lugenia Alston Track
Rikki Baldwin Track
Ben Misenheimer Baseball
Mike Elkins Baseball
Philip Beaman Baseball
Dustin Braddock Baseball
John Wiggins Baseball
Casey Galloway Softball
Leigh Anne Lamonds Softball
John Paul Callicutt Softball
Alex Lemons Tennis
West Middle School
Daniel Jones Baseball
Kyle Greene Baseball
Ben Carr Baseball
Miranda Duell Softball
Kim Turner Softball
Landy Hilger Soccer
Shawn Clausell Soccer
Neil Williams Tennis
Alicia Blalock Tennis
h. Upon recommendation, approval of the following tutor:
Jennifer Bailey Green Ridge Elementary
i. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for employment of the following bus driver/sub driver for the 2014-2015 school year that are not dual employees:
Curleen Lilly Monitor (Background Pending)
Fredrick Dumas Driver and Monitor (Background Pending)
j. Upon recommendation, approval of the following administrative contracts:
· Beth Lancaster, Director of Project ACCESS, annual twelve-month term, commencing February 9, 2015, and ending June 30, 2017.
· Tim Addis, Principal of Montgomery Learning Academy, annual twelve-month term, commencing February 9, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017.
· John Beard, Principal of Mt. Gilead Elementary School, annual twelve-month term, commencing February 9, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017.
3) 2015-15 Audit Sevices Contract; and
4) Internet Services Contract.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second from Sandra Miller, the meeting was duly adjourned.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 2, 2015.
__________________________ ________________________
Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary