February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
The Montgomery County Board of Education convened in its regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Steven W. DeBerry – Chair, Tommy Blake – Vice Chair, Jesse Hill, Ann Long, Bryan Dozier and Sandra Miller. Shirley Threadgill was absent.
Chairman DeBerry called the meeting to order and moved to adopt the agenda as shown. With a motion by Ann Long and a second from Sandra Miller, the agenda was adopted as presented.
Chairman DeBerry opened the meeting with a devotional. The story includes Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles. Abraham Lincoln is often a model of achievement to children. The Gettysburg Address is still studied and memorized by many students. Amazingly, Lincoln had only four months of formal education, which he earned in a one-room country schoolhouse where students ranged from five to twenty-five. His teacher probably had no more than an eighth grade education, if that. One day, a father was reciting all of Mr. Lincoln’s achievements to his son. “Where else but America could this happen”, he asked his son. Hoping to instill a little more ambition in his son, the father asked, “Do you know what Abe Lincoln was doing when he was your age”? The boy answered, “No but I do know what he was doing when he was your age.” Moral: We nearly always err when we suggest to others that they be like anybody other than themselves.
Chairman DeBerry called on Montgomery Learning Academy students Annabelle Ludlum and Ra’Qwon Shepherd to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Superintendent Ellis welcomed Chrissy Haynes and the 2015-16 Youth Leadership Montgomery students. As part of their leadership experience, the students must attend a county and school board meeting to learn how local government works.
Mt. Gilead Elementary Employees of the Month are Allison Vanness, Certified and Cathy Horne, Classified. Principal John Beard presented the certificates along with Dr. Ellis. Although, Ms. Vanness could not attend the meeting, Mr. Beard stated that he “is blessed” to have both of them at Mt. Gilead. Ms. Vanness is a third and fourth grade teacher and Ms. Horne, an eighteen-year MCS employee, is an assistant in kindergarten.
Troy Elementary Employees of the Month are Melissa Harris, Certified and Marie Ingram, Classified. Stephanie Lynthacum, Instructional Facilitator at Troy, joined Dr. Ellis to present the certificates. Mrs. Lynthacum stated that words could not describe how much Mrs. Harris and Ms. Ingram mean to Troy Elementary. Both women each have worked over eighteen years with Montgomery County Schools. Mrs. Harris is a first grade teacher and Ms. Ingram is a teacher’s assistant and bus driver.
Superintendent Ellis and Donnie Lynthacum, Principal at Candor Elementary, introduced Randy White, Candor Police Chief and Ed Stewart, Candor Fire Chief. Mr. Lynthacum expressed appreciation to the men and their departments for their dedication to the students and the school.
Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda as submitted. With a motion by Sandra Miller and a second by Ann Long, the board approved the consent agenda unanimously. The following items were approved:
1) Board Minutes from January 11th, 2016;
2) Personnel and Auxiliary Reports as follows:
a. Upon the recommendation of the principal, approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher list:
Non-certified Recommended By Record Check
1) Teresa Thomas Heather Seawell Yes
2) Yvonne Lucas Teresa Dunn Yes
3) Seneka Ingram Donna Kennedy Pending
b. Superintendent reports the acceptance of the following resignations/retirements:
Resignation/Retirement School/Assignment Effective Date
1) Candice Dunton Mt. Gilead Elementary 02/19/2016
2) Fannie Covington East Middle School 02/08/2016
Resignation Teacher Assistant
c. Upon recommendation, approval of the following probationary contracts for the 2014-2015 school year as provided by General Statute 115C-325:
Contract/Eff. Date School/Assignment Record Check Replacing
Transfer/Effective Date From To Replacing
1) Deborah Robinson West High School Central Office Garry Marshall
f. Upon recommendation of the superintendent, approval of recommendation for
employment of the following bus driver/sub drivers:
Nikeri Smith Bus Driver Yes
Rachel Haywood Bus Driver Yes
Stephanie Harrington Bus Monitor Yes
Leah Rhodema Lilly Bus Monitor Yes
Tiffany Smith Bus Monitor Yes
Montgomery Learning Academy presented a power point titled “Creating Choices Leading to Success”. Tim Addis, Principal and Amy Reynolds, Assistant Principal, discussed positive interventions at the school, such as Communities in Schools partnership, monthly speakers and a mentor program. Jerry Spencer with Communities in Schools visits with students each week. The students talk with Mr. Spencer and discuss issues or problems that may be concerning them. Teachers and staff have become mentors to students who may be in danger of dropping out or who just may need extra support. One student, Hakim Jones, told the board how important his mentor, Bill Gaisford, is to him. Hakim decided he wanted to attend college, but knew his grades were not the best and wasn’t sure how to enroll. Mr. Gaisford took Hakim to Montgomery Community College and helped him start the process. Hakim stated that with the help and support of Mr. Gaisford, his dream of being a substance abuse counselor may be a reality.
Superintendent Ellis discussed the East Middle wing addition. He stated that during the last year, the Facilities Committee had identified several things at the schools that needed improving. One topic was how to handle growing pains at East Middle. Architects developed blueprints for a new wing addition. The drawing shows ten extra classrooms and his and her restrooms. The plan is moving forward with the next step being to decide how to fund the wing and where to build it on the school’s property.
Kevin Lancaster, Deputy Superintendent, asked for approval of Policy code 7430 concerning substitute teachers. The policy was presented for first reading at the January meeting. Sandra Miller made the motion to approve with Bryan Dozier seconding the motion. The board approved the policy unanimously.
During his Superintendent Remarks, Dr. Ellis stated that January was Board Appreciation month. He thanked the board for supporting our students and staff. He also recognized February as Black History month.
Chairman DeBerry then asked for a motion to adjourn and move into closed session. With a motion by Bryan Dozier, and a second from Jesse Hill, the board unanimously approved going into closed session to discuss personnel.
After returning from closed session, Chairman DeBerry asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. With a motion by Bryan Dozier and a second by Tommy Blake, the meeting was duly adjourned.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
__________________________ __________________________
Steven W. DeBerry, Chairman Dale Ellis, Ed. D., Secretary