Enrollment & Transportation
Enrolling without a Legal Guardian
Unaccompanied Youth
- who have run away from home
- been thrown out of the home, and/or
- been abandoned by parents or guardians.
- left home for their own reasons
These young students are separated from their parents for a variety of reasons. For most of these individuals, leaving home is a survival issue. School may be the only safe and stable environment available to unaccompanied youth. Yet unaccompanied youth often face unique barriers to enrolling and succeeding in school. Without a parent or guardian to advocate for them and exercise parental rights, they are sometimes denied enrollment and remain out of school for extended periods of time. Unaccompanied youth also may not understand their educational rights or know how to acquire this information. (NCHE).
Access to Programs and Services
- Students will have access to the same programs and services that are available to all other students, including transportation and supplemental educational services.
- Child Nutrition
- All eligible McKinney-Vento students will receive free meal benefits. There is no Free & Reduced Application required. The USDA policies allow for automatic enrollment of students identified for McKinney-Vento services, to ensure students receive meals quickly.
School Selection
Special Education Assignments
If Special Education Services assigns a student with an IEP to a specific school/classroom that best meets the student's educational needs, the student in transition will attend the school placement. If a parent/guardian/caregiver does not agree with the placement, the parent/guardian/caregiver should follow the appeals process through Special Education Services. Any student assigned by Special Education Services and has transportation as a service written in the IEP will receive transportation.
A student eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Act can receive transportation to and from the current residence to the school of origin or home school for the current academic school year.