• Caleb Rushing-Secondary Social Studies Teacher


                                       Click here to email Mr. Rushing

    AVID Site Coordinator/Rotary Club Sponsor


    • North Carolina State University

    • BA in History

    • Licensed to Teach Secondary Social Studies


    Contact Information:

    • email: caleb.rushing@montgomery.k12.nc.us

    • phone: (910) 898-9690

    Canvas Directions:

    • All assignments will be submitted via Canvas unless otherwise specified in class. 

    • Students are to use the "Modules" tab to navigate Canvas.

    • All assignments for the week will be posted and labeled with the dates.


    Grading Policy:

    • Grading will be based off a points system, meaning that all assignments will count for a certain number of points. 

    • The number of points will vary based on the assignment. Example: Classwork (50-100 pts) Cornell Notes (150 pts) Tests (300 pts).

    • Late work is accepted but there will be a flat-rate deduction of 10%.

    • There is no deadline for submitting late work as long as it is submitted during the grading period. 


    Syllabus Downloads:


    •  Western Carolina Logo