- Montgomery County Schools
- Overview
GOVERNING PRINCIPLESLegal Status and Authority of the BoardGoverning Principles and GoalsBOARD OPERATIONSBoard OperationsBoard Members
Officers and CommitteesBoard MeetingsBoard PoliciesBoard HearingsHearings Before the Board - 2500
Board Consultants and LiaisonsEDUCATIONAL PROGRAM
Goals and ObjectivesCurriculum Development, Delivery and EvaluationInstructional MaterialsTechnology in the Educational Program - 3220
Time for LearningStudent PerformanceSpecial Curriculum ObjectivesServices and Activities to Support the Educational ProgramSTUDENTS
Student FocusPregnant and Parenting Students and Employees - 4023/7233
Admission and AssignmentSafety
Student BehaviorBullying and Harassing Behavior Prohibited - 4329/7311
AttendanceStudent FeesStudent RecordsCOMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS
Relationship with Parents and the CommunityRelationship with Other Governmental AgenciesInvolvement with Outside Organizations and IndividualsSUPPORT SERVICESSupport ServicesStudent Health ServicesStudent Food ServicesStudent Transportation ServicesPurchasing FunctionEquipment, Materials and SuppliesPERSONNEL
Recruitment and Selection of PersonnelWork EnvironmentStaff ResponsibilitiesSpecific Employment RelationshipsWorkday and AbsencesBenefitsNon-Job Related Activities
Development and EvaluationFISCAL MANAGEMENT
Fiscal GoalsBudget Process
Revenue SourcesFiscal AccountabilitySeparate AccountsPersonnel DutiesFACILITIESFacility Planning and ConstructionSelection and Use of Architects and ContractorsCare and MaintenanceNaming Facilities*Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the above board policies and MCS will strive to update policies listed on this site in a timely manner; however, any applicable federal and state laws and the most up-to-date policies, as approved by the Montgomery County Board of Education, will always take precedence in the event of a discrepancy.”
Last Modified on Wednesday at 9:24 AM