- Troy Elementary School
- Overview
Dodie Atkins
School Counselor
Troy Elementary School
310 N. Russell Street
Troy, NC 27371
School PBIS Pledge:
Troy Trojans are
Respectful, Responsible, and Ready
At all times
In all places
Today and everyday we will
Community Resources:
Montgomery County Food Distribution Center - Food bank (303 W Spring Street, Troy)
Montgomery Churches in Action - Food bank (271 N Main Street, Troy)
Esther House - A shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking; to provide the support that empowers them to rebuild their lives; and to raise community awareness through education and training to ultimately break the cycle of violence.
24/7 Crisis Hotline: 704-961-7500
NC Children and Youth Help Line - helpline for parents of children and youth who have Special Health Care Needs and the professionals who assist them.