
    Instructional Facilitators
    Elementary Schools
    TBD Mount Gilead TBD
    Lisa Wood Star  lisa.wood@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Tressie Sargent Troy tressie.sargent@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Kelly Kennedy Green Ridge
    Laura Dawkins Page Street laura.dawkins@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Sharon Thompson Candor sharon.thompson@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Middle Schools
    April Parsons East april.parsons@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Ella Kern West
    High Schools
    Leslie Thomas Montgomery Central leslie.thomas@montgomery.k12.nc.us
    Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
    Collaboration can play an important role in impacting student learning.  The work of the collaborative team is focused on raising achievement and closing gaps, led by teachers, and coached and supported by the Instructional Facilitator (IF).  The IF's role is to guide the work of teacher teams as they use data to identify students' academic needs, purposefully plan instruction, and share effective strategies from their own practice.  As educators share best-practices and learn from one another, the whole group is enriched ("we" is smarter than "me").   Work products expected from teams are defined and communicated by the School Leadership Team.