Serving the needs of Multilingual Learners in Montgomery County Schools is a high priority. Many students within our school system qualify as LEP, or Limited English Proficient. Montgomery County Schools employ teachers dedicated to serving this specific population. Teachers implement a variety of strategies and instructional services to ensure that the needs of these students are addressed. Our program’s experienced educators deliver proven methods of instruction, such as SIOP: a flexible and adaptive methodology that has already demonstrated great success in ESL communities and schools across the country.
Each new LEP student participates in an assessment of their language ability to determine the appropriate level of assistance that ranges from consultative services to one-on-one or small group instruction. The goal of the Montgomery County Schools ESL program is to provide the extra assistance and care that is so critical in expediting the rate at which our learners surmount the challenges inherent to learning English as a second language. Therefore, our program encompasses both immediate and long-term goals for students, to help them succeed in their current classes and provide them with the tools to continue their success throughout high school and beyond.
Resources and Links:
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